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  生俏的英文是 good-looking     你问的是生肖12个英文是   鼠:Rat,     牛:Ox、     虎:Tiger、     兔:Hare     龙:Dragon。      蛇:Snake!     马:Horse     羊:Sheep。     猴:Monkey!     鸡:Cock     狗:Dog,     猪:Boar     这是地支 生肖的说:     Rat charm, 子鼠     Ox patient, 丑牛     Tiger sensitive, 寅虎     Rabbit articulate, 卯兔     Dragon healthy, 辰龙     Snake deep, 巳蛇     Horse popular, 午马     Goat elegant, 未羊     Monkey clever, 申猴     Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡     Dog loyalty, 戌狗     Pig chivalrous. 亥猪     这是最全的     一. 鼠——Rat   英语中用以比喻讨厌鬼,可耻的人!告密者。密探,破坏0029罢工的人,美国俚语指新学生,下流女人。当看到smell a rat这一词组时。6001是指人们怀疑在做错某事,a rat race则表示激烈的竞争 !rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃、这一谚语意指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求 安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人,)     二. 牛——Ox   涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多!如“对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔”等!英语中涉及“Ox”的表 达方式则不多。用Ox - eyed形容眼睛大的人、用短语The black Ox has trod on sb’s foot表示灾祸已降临到某人头上!     三. 虎——Tiger   指凶0910恶的人、虎狼之徒,英国人指穿制服的马夫、口语中常指比赛的劲敌!中国和东南亚国家常以Paper tiger比喻貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人!词组ride the tiger表示以非常不 确定或危险的方式生活!     四. 兔——Hare   在英国俚语中!hare指坐车不买票的人、与hare组成的词组有:make a hare of sb.愚弄某人、start a hare!在讨论中提出枝节问题、例如:You start a hare ever time at the meeting.每次讨论你都提出与题无关的问题!1035英语中有许多关于兔的谚语!如:   1. First catch your hare.勿谋之过早(意指:不要过于乐观)!   2. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounde.不能两面讨好(意指:不要耍两面派)!     五. 龙——Dragon   龙在中国人民的心目中占有崇高的位置。有关龙的成语非常多。且含有褒义,如“龙跃凤鸣”?“龙骧虎步”等。在外国8626语言中,赞扬龙的词语非常之少!且含有贬义、如“dragon”指凶暴的人,严厉的人。凶恶严格的监护人、凶恶的老妇人等,以dragon组成的词组也多含贬义,如dragon’s teeth :相互争斗的根源,排列或多层的楔形反坦克混克混凝土障碍物,the old Dragon:魔鬼!     六. 蛇——Snake   指冷酷阴险的人、虚伪的人,卑鄙的人,美国俚语指追求和欺骗少女的男子8768或男阿飞。由 此看到!在英语中、“snake”往往含有贬义!如:   John’s behavior should him to be a snake.   约翰的行为表明他是一个冷酷阴险的人。   与sna......余下全文>>。
  Chopsticks are small tapered sticks used in pairs of equal length as the traditional eating utensils of Greater China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Generally believed to have originated in ancient China, they can also be found in some areas of Tibet and Nepal that are close to Han Chinese populations. Chopsticks are most commonly made of bamboo or plastic, but are also made of metal, bone, ivory, and various types of wood. The pair of sticks is maneuvered in one hand, between the thumb and fingers, and used to pick up pieces of food.   ========================   如何使用筷子   Chopsticks are used to eat most kinds of Chinese foods, with some exceptions. Some of the most important rules to remember when dining with chopsticks are as follows:   Hold your chopsticks towards their end, not in the middle or the front third.   When you are not using your chopsticks, or have finished eating, lay them down in front of you with the tips to left.   Do not stick chopsticks into your food, especially not into rice. This is only done at funerals with rice that is put onto the altar.   Do not pass food directly from your set of chopsticks to another's. Again, this is a funeral tradition that involves the bones of a cremated body.   Do not spear food with your chopsticks.   Do not point with your chopsticks.   Do not wave your chopsticks around in the air or play with them.   Do not move plates or bowls around with your chopsticks.   To separate a piece of food in two, exert controlled pressure on the chopsticks while moving them apart from each other in order to tear the food. This takes some practice. With larger pieces of food such as tempura, it is also acceptable to pick up the entire piece with your chopsticks, and take a bite.   If you have already eaten with your chopsticks, use the opposite end to take food from a shared plate.,
  Aquarius     Aquarians basically possess strong and attractive personalities. They fall into two principle types: one shy, sensitive, gentle and patient; the other exuberant, lively and exhibitionist, sometimes hiding the considerable depths of their character under a cloak of frivolity. Both types are strong willed and forceful in their different ways and have strong convictions, though as they seek truth above all things, they are usually honest enough to change their opinions, however firmly held, if evidence comes to light which persuades them that they have been mistaken. They have a breadth of vision that brings diverse factors into a whole, and can see both sides of an argument without shilly-shallying as to which side to take. Consequently they are unprejudiced and tolerant of other points of view. This is because they can see the validity of the argument, even if they do not accept it themselves. They obey the Quak阀r exhortation to "Be open to truth, from whatever source it comes," and are prepared to learn from everyone.     Both types are humane, frank, serious minded, genial, refined, sometimes ethereal, and idealistic, though this last quality is tempered with a sensible practicality. They are quick, active and persevering without being self-assertive, and express themselves with reason, moderation and sometimes, a dry humor.     They are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical. Many are strongly imaginative and psychically intuitive, so......余下全文>>,
  兔跟什么生肖配对最好   属兔的。   属兔的宜避开『农历』的八月(酉月)、该月与兔相冲!   根据古代算命术中的说法、   属兔(卯)与狗(戌)!是(卯戌)相合。是为(六合)!   属兔(卯)与羊(未)、猪(亥)相合。是为(亥卯未)三合!    所以属兔的与狗!羊。猪是最好的!,
  十二生肖是:鼠牛虎兔 龙蛇马羊 兔鸡狗猪,所以兔的前后分别是虎和龙。
  这个答案是:牛属牛人的性格优点:①勤奋努力。有强烈的进取心,②忠厚老实!务实,责任心强、有耐力。③有正义感!爱打抱不平,  7919 ④勤俭持家!稳定!   属牛人的性格弱点:稍微固执已见,缺乏通融,有时钻"牛角尖"主观独断   4584属牛人的性格详解:从出生时辰对属牛人人生的影响来看?白天出生的4160牛比安静的夜晚出生的牛更积极!更好斗、与此相仿!夏天出生的牛比冬天出生的牛生活更轻松!更富有、!
  虽然各地方风俗习惯各不相同。但民间确实有属相相冲的说法:“白马犯青牛、羊鼠一旦休、蛇虎如刀错。龙兔泪交流。金鸡怕玉犬、猪猴不到头,” 另外还有六合!六不合的说法、“六合”是指可以通婚的六对属相、即牛和鼠、马和羊,虎和猪、蛇和猴。龙和鸡、兔和狗!属相是 “六合”之一的男女结合。才被认为是“最相和”!“白头老”的“好婚”、 “六不合”又称“六冲”!是指不可通婚的六对属相、即鸡和狗、猴和猪,羊和鼠,马和牛,蛇和虎!龙和兔、若属相是“六冲”之一的男女结合!则被认为是“如刀切”,“不到头”的“断头婚”, 在很多长辈的心目中。别的条件4282都可以通融!唯独属相不合万万不可、“在现代社会!这些旧思想,旧观念可信吗,它们的存在有科学5389依据吗!” 但是又有的网址是这么写的: 男兔+女龙:可以结成连理,但她要作出一些牺牲。勤俭持家,不能产生厌烦情绪, 女兔+男龙:可以结合、如果你能用柔情来约束他,效果会更好的! 男龙+女兔:是一段幸福的婚姻、6795她有很强的社交能力。和精明的办事手段,可以祢补你的不足!能帮助丈夫发4767展他的事业, 女龙+男兔:可共享温馨。但你要担当起家务的职责。而不可感到厌倦!。


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