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  松鼠 squirrel ['skwɪr(ə)l]   老鼠 mouse mice rat   熊猫 panda bear cat、
It's a lovely dog. !
要名词的话是manliness 要形容词的话是masculine !
放下屠刀立地成佛 英文怎么说
  原词:字译——意译   放下屠刀立地成佛:drop one's cleaver and become a Buddha —— achieve salvation as soon as one gives up evil   平日不烧香,临时抱佛脚:never burn incense when all is well but clasp buddha's feet when in distress —— do nothing until last minute   人争一口气。佛争一炉香:As Buddha nees incense, so man needs self-respect.(不需意译)   一人得道、鸡犬升天:when a man attains the Tao, even his pets ascend to heaven —— when a man gets to the top, allhis friends and relations get there with him   八仙过海,各显神通:like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one showing his or her special prowess.(不需意译)。
  why my luck is so awful?why my luck is so terrible/.??
  Fate's Cruel Joke/Destiny's Cruel Joke.   楼主也可考虑以下说法:-   deceived by destiny (被命运欺骗)   torn apart by cruel destiny (被残酷的命运撕裂)   slain by treacherous fate.(被叵测的命运斩断)   (slain是slay的过去分式)。
  oxygen   英 [ˈɒksɪdʒən] 美 [ˈɑ:ksɪdʒən]   n.   [化]氧。氧气   Water contains hydrogen and oxygen.   水含有氢和氧、   Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultraviolet light.   臭氧由氧气和紫外线发生反应而产生,!
  lucky   KK: []   DJ: []   a.   1. 幸运的,好运的[+to-v][+(that)]   A lucky person won the contest.   一个幸运儿赢了比赛、   You are lucky to be alive.   你活着算是幸运的了,   2. 碰巧的,侥幸的   a lucky escape from death   侥幸逃脱死亡   3. 带来幸运的,吉祥的   I always carry my lucky penny.   我的吉祥钱币时刻不离身。   luck   KK: []   DJ: []   n.[U]   1. 运气,命运   It's a matter of luck whether we are successful.   我们是否成功是碰运气的事!   2. 好运;幸运;侥幸   She had no luck finding a job.   她很不幸,找不到工作?   My luck's in.   我运气很好、   I wish you luck!   祝你好运!   3. 带来好运的东西;吉祥物   vi.   1. 走运;靠运气[(+out)]   Tom lost his job; but he lucked out, his friend offered him a much better one.   汤姆丢了工作;但他运气真好,他朋友给了他一份比原来好得多的差使?   2. 凑巧碰上;偶而发现[(+in/into/on/onto)]、
  You must / are sure to dream of/about us. You must / are sure to have a dream about us.、


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