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  我将会梦到你、翻译:I will dream of you.请采纳。
  I dreamed of you last night.。
  我昨天梦到你了   英语中大多用被动式来表示:You were in my d偿eam last night.(or:You appeared in my dream last night.)。
  Xiao Ming had a dream last night. In the dream, he volunteered to serve the Guangzhou Asian Games. His job is helping foreign visitors with the problems they meet. He found a foreigner who lost his way to his hotel. The foreigner is named Jack. Xiaoming talked with him and took him back to his hotel. Jack was very thankful for Xiaoming's help.He also said that Xiaoming was really good at speaking English. Xiaoming felt happy after hearing that. He think it is really useful to learn English well because he is able to help foreigners and talk with them.、
  屎盆   Shit Basin   尿盆   Urinal,
  vacuum flask是指保温的那种开水瓶、我前几天用手机积分兑换了一个水瓶!上面就是这样写的vacuum flask、真空开水瓶。
土生土长 英语怎么说的
  born and bred,过去分词!前面可以加地名,   如:   作为一个土生土长的伦敦人!她不相信在乡下呆一个月就会令她心烦意乱,   A Londoner born and bred, she suspected that a month in the country would bore her to distraction.   也可以用be born and raised in! 后面加地名、如:I was born and raised in Minnesota, the USA.!
  梦见老师   梦见儿时的1329启蒙老师   意味着梦者正在反省着某事?   梦见被老师教导   意味着梦者即将从困境中解脱、   梦见和教师谈话   意味着梦者即将发现自己未曾察觉的潜能或有所进步的机会。   梦见跟老师打招呼   你会得到一位好或很快升职加薪,   梦见受老师称赞   在学业方面乌密布。7579由于连日的熬夜、在课堂上竟开始打瞌睡……结果受到老师批评!这就是所谓反梦。!
  鸡年发大财的英语   make a million in the year of rooster   鸡年Year of the Rooster   发大财   释义   (1)make a million   (2)make a packet   1.   人人都认为我要发大财了、    Everybody thinks I'm making a mint   《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》   2.   他希望通过投资人参发大财?   He hoped to strike it rich by investing in ginseng.   《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》   3.   他的生活没有被一味想发大财的心态左右!   His life isn't ruled by looking for a fast buck   《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》   以下例句来源于网络。仅供参考   4.   他看了我之手掌一会、然后对我说!我会发大财,   He read my palm for a while and said to me that I would make a fortune.、
   Because I want to change my destiny,


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