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梦见被困电梯后得救 10分
  电梯--快速通道。   参考资料:原创!






  梦见大洪水里女儿被困脱险-解梦:   吉凶指数:75(由佛滔居士数理文化得出!仅供参考)   引导话题对来说,相当重要,这两天处处流露着不友好的气氛。往往会有人故意想要借题发挥。让你难堪,所以这两天在交际场合上、应尽量用优雅。友善的态度改变话题、使自己安然脱险!若能让整3912个谈话的形势为你所控制的话、就4254更有利不过了!   梦见大洪水里女儿被困脱险-吉凶:   基础运吉、境遇可稍安定。因勤勉而有一时之大成功。但成功运劣。以致不能有0171所伸张发展,且恐有再败之兆!若人格或地格有凶数者、恐交通生祸或陷于体弱病难。或急功招败。或凶变遭难!祸端危害之虑!【吉凶相抵】。
英文版 被困电梯自救知识 救急啊
  Elevators trapped self France   Trapped in elevator for self-rescue if the trapped elevator, trapped by self-help need to know the following methods:   1?保持镇定、并且安慰其他受困者。消除大家的慌乱心理? 1, to stay calm, and comfort the other trapped, to remove all of the panic psychology. 由于电梯槽有防坠安全装置。会牢牢夹住电梯两旁的钢轨,受困者不必惊惶、 As the anti-falling elevator chute safety device will be firmly clamped on both sides of the lift rail, caught between those who do not have to panic.   2。利用警铃或对讲机。手机等一切可能的求援方式求救,但切忌自行扳动电梯设备, 2, using an alarm or a walkie-talkie and mobile phones for help in every possible way for help, but avoid sliding the elevator equipment on their own.   3。如果不能立刻找到电梯技工,可请外面的人5845打电话通知消防员。 3, if you can not immediately find a lift technician, who could be invited to call the firefighters outside.   4!如果外面没有受过训练的救援人员在场!不要自行爬出电梯、 4, if the outside is not the presence of trained rescue workers, do not climbed out from the lift.   5!困在电梯里的人无法确认电梯的所在位置、因此不要强行扒门!这样会带来新的险情, 5, trapped in the elevator who can not verify the location of the lift, so do not force Grilled door, it will bring new dangers.   6、电梯天花板即使有紧急出口!也不要爬出去! 6, elevator ceiling, even if there is an emergency exit, do not climb out. 因为出口板一旦打开,安全开关就使电梯刹住不动。 Because the export board, once opened, the safety switch so that the lift stopped on the unchanged. 但如果出口板意外关上、电梯会重新开动而使在电梯槽里的人失去平衡!容易被电梯缆索绊倒!或因踩到油垢而滑倒掉下电梯、 However, if the export board unexpectedly closed, will re-activate the elevator in the elevator slot Ershi people out of balance, tripping easily lift cable, or for stepping on grease and slipped falling elevator.   7! 如果在深夜或周末下午被困在电梯里!最安全的做法是保持镇定,伺机求援! 7, if late at night or on weekends afternoon trapped in an elevator, the safest approach is to remain calm and wait for an opportunity for help. 注意倾听外面的动静,如有行人经过,设法引起他们的注意? Listen outside the static and dynamic, where pedestrians through an effort to draw their attention.   8!如无人回应!需镇静等待,观察动静、不要不停呼喊,保持体力。等待营救、 8, if no response, be calm and wait to observe the dynamic and static, do not stop shouting, maintain physical, waiting for rescue.   如遇到冲顶或蹲底事故、也就是俗称的电梯下坠,指电梯的轿箱在控制系统失效的情况下发生垂直下坠的现象, In case of hoisting or squat at the end of the incident, which is commonly known as the elevator to fall, a sedan Box in the lift control system failure occurred in the context of the phenomenon of vertical fall. 当轿箱失去控制冲到电梯井道的顶部时?称为电梯冲顶、 Car washed out of control when the box at the top of the lift shaft when the elevator is called hoisting.   应对方法如下: Our approach is as follows:   1、不论有几层楼!赶快把每一层楼的按键都按下。 1, regardless of floors, a rush to each floor of the buttons are pressed. 当紧急电源启动时,电梯可马上停止继续下坠! When the emergency power supply starts, elevators immediately to stop the fall.   2。如果电梯里有手把,一只手紧握手把、这样可固定人所在的位置、使你不至于因重心不稳而摔伤、 2, if the elevator there hand, shaking hands to a stingy, so that people can be a fixed location, so that you Buzhi Yu due to high center of gravity and falls.   3,整个背部跟头部紧8325贴电梯内墙!呈一直线、 3, the entire back with the head close to the lift walls, was a straight line. 要运用电梯墙壁作为脊椎的防护! We should use the elevator wall as the spinal cord protection. 第四,膝盖呈弯曲姿势! Fourth, the knee was bent posture. 因为韧带是人体唯一富含弹性的一个组织!0773借用膝盖弯曲来承受重击压力?比骨头承受压力会更大, Because the ligament is the only rich in elastic body of an organization, to borrow knees bent to withstand severe impact pressure, pressure will be greater than the bones.,
  梦见鲸   鱼和梦见一般的鱼不同、 首先!   它可以象征你的母亲或女性,如   果鲸要吞掉你!它象征一个专制   的母亲,或与母亲联系过密而使   你无法作为一个独立个体而发展   , 另外。被鲸吞食象征进入潜意   识(这可能很可怕)、而结果是   你发现了你的真实自我(在梦里   往往用珍贵的石头或珠宝代表)   !。
梦见下雨涨水被困房中 40分
  如果从科学的角度将 说明你遇到了事情 并且是你困惑 或者自身压力太大需要释放?


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