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  The book of changes这个翻译虽然名字上不太对应、但是翻译的还是非常准确的!因为《易1042经》确实是变化之道、
  The Last Rose of Summer   'Tis the last rose of summer,   Left blooming alone,   All her lovely companions   Are faded and gone.   No flower of her kindred,   No rose bud is nigh,   To reflect back her blushes,   Or give sigh for sigh.   I'll not leave thee, thou lone one,   To pine on the stem,   Since the lovely are sleeping,   Go sleep thou with them.   Thus kindly I scatter   Thy leaves o'er the bed   Where thy mates of the garden   Lie scentless and dead.   So soon may I follow,   When friendships decay,   And from Love's shining circle   The gems drop away!   When true hearts lie withered   And fond ones are flown   Oh! who would inhabit   This bleak world alone?   The Coming of Light   by Mark Strand   Even this late it happens:   the coming of love, the coming of light.   You wake and the candles are lit as if by themselves,   stars gather, dreams pour into your pillows,   sending up warm bouquets of air.   Even this late the bones of the body shine   and tomorrow's dust flares into breath.   Trees   by Joyce Kilmer   I think that I shall never see   A poem lovely as a tree   A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed   Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast   A three that looks at God all day   And lifts her leafy arms to pray   A tree that may in Summer wear   A nest of robins in her hair   Upon whose bosom snow has lain   Who intimately lives with rain   Poems are made by fools like me   But only god can make a tree?
  《周易说卦》“乾为金”、“坤为土”。“坎为水”。“离为火”、“巽为木”。已经赋予了八卦的五行属性、   人们常说“金秋八月”!说“兑为秋”也就是“兑3031为金”!说“万物出乎震”震为春!春天草木萌芽。震为木!“艮为山”也为“土”。由此可见。《易7627经》与“五行”的关联主要在八卦的五行属性方面?   八卦方位与五行属性?在明代阳宅“风水术”中的应用非常广泛,   如《八宅四书》里面、把符合“后天八卦”方位分布的八宅。分坎、离。震,巽为东四宅(谓之“兄弟连肩多同心”),乾。坤!艮。兑为西四宅(谓之“天下爷娘5048亲稚少”)?   无论“九宫飞星”布何宅何门!其变换皆原本于所谓“后天八卦”的方位与五行属性,   从《易经》的姤卦初六爻辞“系于金柅”看!初是下卦巽主爻!与九四正应。下卦巽5640为木为绳、上卦乾为金,所以有“系于金柅”之辞。似乎也讲究五行属性!   从《易经》的困卦九四爻辞“困于金车”看?上兑为金!二。四、五互体巽为木为绳!所以有“困于金车”之辞!似乎也讲究五行属性。   从《易经》的鼎卦六五爻辞“鼎黄耳金铉”看!五为土数色黄!下巽为木!二、三。四互体乾为金!所以有“鼎黄耳金铉”之辞!似乎也讲究五行属性、   从《易经》的渐卦六四爻辞“鸿渐于木”看,上巽为木、二,三、四互体坎为水。5899下艮为水中之石,鸿雁落于石上之木!所以有“鸿渐于8763木”之辞!似乎也讲究五行属性!   从《易经》的旅卦巽为木。下艮5276为小子(童仆),童仆6026处于木生火之下?所以有“旅焚其次丧其童仆”之辞!似乎也讲究五行属性?。
  soothsayer      英 ['suːθseɪə]   n.占卜者。预言者,
8877  本人以为。凡事有物就有象、有象就有数!就要受到阴阳五行的控制!   英文26个字母唬就象阿拉伯数字一样!就象1和2属甲乙木。3和4是丙丁火!5和6是戊已土!7和8是庚辛金!9和10是壬癸水!11和12就去10的余数。仍为甲乙木,其他数字仿此、   那么26个字母,也一样应A!B为甲乙木。CD为2972丙丁火……其余仿此,不过高于10取余数,(以上为个人观点。)   心好命又好,富贵直到老、心好命不好、天地终有保。命好心不好、中途夭折了,心命俱不好、一生受烦恼。”,
  Curtain (英文网名注释:落幕)     Allure Love (英文网名注释:倾城恋)     Mo Maek (英文名翻译成中文:莫陌)     Tenderness (网名翻译:温存)     Flowers (英文网名注释:繁花)     Poison丶biting (非主流英文网名翻译中文:毒丶刺骨 )     Desperate struggle (伤感英文名字:拼命的挣扎)     Koreyoshi (意境英文网名:惟美)     Adam阿当*Eve夏娃(阿当-夏娃)   Adolph阿当夫*Adolpha阿当芙亚(伟大的野狼)   Alan阿伦*Alana阿伦娜(绩乐的调和者-闪亮的公平者)   Alexander阿力山大*Alexandra阿力山娜(同为超人的意思)   Ashley阿瑟妮*Ashley阿瑟妮(居住在梣木地人的人爱大自然)   Azarias阿沙勒斯*Azaria阿沙妮亚(得到上帝的祝福和帮助)     B     Baslilon巴沙里奥*Basilia马沙妮亚(国皇-皇后)   Beverley拜佛力*Beverley拜佛力(海星般矜贵)   Bing兵*Binga冰加(铁壸能成空洞发声音。多嘴的人)   Blake碧*Blake碧(有正义气质)   Brand宾*Brandy宾妮(上帝的孙儿如酒般清醇)   Brian拜仁*Bryna拜女那(品德高尚)     C   Clare基亚*Clara加拉(有艳光的)   Carol嘉卢*Carol嘉露(权力者、永不言败)   Castor嘉斯祖*Casta嘉斯泰(勇敢而勤力)   Cecil西斯*Cecilla西西莉亚(隐身不见的音乐圣者)   Chritian杰逊*Christine基丝艼(信主的)   Clive基夫*Cleva基花(悬崖居住者)     D   Dale德尔*dale黛尔(居住村庄的纯朴者)   Daniel丹妮*Danielle丹妮尔(上帝是审裁者)   Darcy德斯*Darcie戴斯(由森林而来)   Darius戴维斯*Daria戴维亚(有钱人)   Donald当奴*Donalda当奴达(世界的统治者)   Dominic都文历*Dominica多文历卡(属于主的)。
抽签 英文
  抽签   draw [cast] lots; draw by lot; ballot for; draw; draw cuts ;,
  4767《易经》一本书。阐述自然阴阳之道、讲明一切事物的运动变化趋势。     五行是金木水火土、天地间的五种属性!     八卦是 八种符号代表各个方向!把事物分八种类别来概括!      易经是个宏观的理论归旨!五行和八卦可以当做一个工具!、
  瀚 怀 瀛 泷 泸 潇 迈?


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