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  Mutations, rebel, fraternity, unusual, eccentric Aquarius is the biggest characteristic of individualism, innovation, pursuit of a constellation, the heaviest belongs to his unique way of life, is his life attitude. But he will turn again, sometimes stubbornly elusive, but on humanitarian Aquarius is very friendly, but also seriously privacy, it is all because of the influence of Uranus. Innovation and changeful, stubborn and rebellious Aquarius, what is the meaning of a person? Actually they are not contradictory, who is reading the stranger, they also feel contradiction. When you first know a aquarians, easy to find him and you, because of Aquarius to communicate an absolute "friendship", he xi communicating and every kind of friends, but things are often three minutes to implement, and a heat of Aquarius, bosom friends who do fail to take a long time, At the same time, you know, in their bright appearance, in my heart for you order a fraction. Like fresh stimulus of Aquarius, work with a friend, turn, although he is very frequent meng, but he never just happened to his friend, but the family is cool and alienation.意思突变、反叛。博爱。不寻常。行为古怪 水瓶座最大的特点就是革新,个人主义最重的一个星座、追求属于自己独一无二的生活方式,2046是他的生活态度?但他又会偏向顽固一面、有时令人捉摸不定、不过注重人道主义的水瓶座对人友善!亦重视私隐!这一切皆由于天王星的影响!创新。多变,倔强。反叛的水瓶座!究意是甚么的一个人,其实他们是很矛盾的一类人!不单外人看们如是。连他们也感受到自己的矛盾、当你初认识一个水瓶座的人!很容易发觉他和你容易沟通、因为水瓶座绝对是个“友谊之星”?他喜颧和每一类人做朋友!但事实行往往是三分钟热度。要和一个水瓶座的人做到知心朋友、相人言要花漫9118长的时间,同时、认识你之初!在他们开朗的外表下!心中早已为你订下一个分数,喜欢2968新鲜刺激的水瓶座!识朋友同转工一样、非常频密虽然他是孟尝君?不过偏偏他永远只是对朋友好,对自己的家人却显得冷淡及疏远!是:,
  I would like to talk about a special person. He's my childhood friend. Everybody say that we are the inbetwenners ,but it's to hard to find someone who can understand you , who can enjoy life with you everyday .it's my friend Moad or the nicknamed : The genius.Physically, he looks like a nerd .he's short and quite slim .He has (got )an round fair skinned face with a narrow eyes behind he's glasses , a small nose and wavy hair .He's always wearing tidy clothes.The most characteristic thing about Moad is his sense of humor. However, he's wise and takes the right decision in the right time. that's why I often seek advice from him. Also, he's both gifted at mathematics and physics and hardworking. He has the ability of noticing accurately and memorizing quickly. That's why this brainy boy is an excellent student. Moreover, he's known to be very cooperative and vital. When we have assigned projects, he works well with us, always does his share of work and bring the best of the group by being positive and cheerful . He has all the qualities of leadership. He is kind of person you admire him, the way he is talking, and the topics is discussing .Moad is generous and kind with everyone. He likes to help someone, and doesn't expect anything from him. That makes him more lovely and popular at school. Everybody wants to take company with him. Although, he spends his time at studying, he's the best player of video games I have ever seen. I m so lucky to have him like a friend. I hope life do never separate us.?
  Astronomers are predicting that the Leonids could experience an outburst of about 500 per hour on November 17. Although Asia is favored for the outburst, observations are encouraged around the world on the mornings of November 17 and 18, as better than normal rates could be seen. The moon will not be an issue.   The Leonid meteor shower has produced some of the most spectacular meteor displays in history, but it is unfortunately periodic in nature.   The Leonids generally begin on November 13 and end on November 21, with maximum generally occurring during the night of Novemer 17/18. The Leonids are barely detectable on the beginning and ending dates, but observers are generally treated to displays of about 10 meteors per hour on the night of maximum. About every 33 years, the Leonids enter a phase of enhanced activity that accompanies the return of its parent comet. During these periods, rates can amount to hundreds and even thousands of meteors per hour. The last such enhanced period occurred during the period of 1998-2002 and the Leonids have been winding down ever since.   There are other, weaker meteor showers going on around the same time as the Leonids. The Leonids move very fast. When you see a meteor, mentally trace it backwards. If you end up at Leo then you have probably seen a Leonid meteor!   本文可供参考?自己再改改吧!
  Why did I dream of you again(once more)?     满意7398请及时采纳?谢谢!
  五行诗 由来 古代称构成各种物质的五种元素:水!火、木 ,金,土为“五行”,中国古代思想家企图用日常生活中习见的上述五种物质来说明3472世界万物的起源和多样性的统一!战国时代、五行说颇为盛行、有“五行相生相胜”的说法。相生即:水生火,火生土,土生金,金生水。水生木、相胜即:水胜火!火胜金、金胜木!木胜土,土胜水,五行2288说对古代天文,历数。医学等的发展起了一定作用,五行诗,就是将这五字嵌入诗中。另和组词,别作他义、联缀成篇,   例 清江引 [元]·贯云石   金钗影摇春燕斜,   木杪生春叶,   水塘春始波,   火候春初热。   土牛儿载将春到也。
  十二生肖两两相对,六道轮回,体现了我们祖先对我们的期望和要求.第一组是老鼠和牛.老鼠代表智慧,牛代表勤奋.智慧和勤奋一定要紧紧结合在一起.如果光有智慧,不勤奋,那就变成小聪明;而光是勤奋,不 动脑筋,那就变成愚蠢.这两者一定要结合.这是祖先对我们第一组的期望和要求,也是最重要的一组. 第二组是老虎和兔子.老虎代表勇猛,兔子代表谨慎.勇猛和谨慎一定要紧紧结合在一起才能作到胆大心细.如果勇猛离开了谨慎,就变成了鲁莽, 而没了勇猛,就变成了胆怯.这一组也非常重要,所以,防在第二位置上, 第三组是龙和蛇,龙代表猛,蛇代表柔韧.所谓刚者易折,太刚了容易折断,但是,如果只有柔的一面就易失去主见,所以,刚柔并济是我们的祖训. 接下来是马和羊,马代表勇往直前,羊代表和顺.如果一个人只顾自己直奔目标,不顾及周围环境,必然会和周围不断磕碰,最后不见得能达到目标. 但是,一个人光顾及和顺,他可能连方向都没有了.所以,勇往直前的秉性,一定要和和顺紧紧结合在一起,这是祖先对我们的第四组期望. 再接下来是猴子和鸡.猴子代表灵活,鸡定时打鸣,代表恒定.灵活和恒定一定要紧紧结合在一起.如果你光灵活,没有恒定,再好的政策也得不到收 获.一方面具有稳定性,保持整体和谐和秩序,另一方面有能在变通中前进,这才是最根本的要旨. 最后是狗和猪.狗代表忠诚,猪代表随和.如果一个人太忠诚,不懂得随和,就会排斥他人.反过来,一个人太随和,没有忠诚,这个人就失去原则!、
  如下、有些小区别   destiny:命运、天命   fate:指命中注定的祸福   furtune:指运气。机会、偏向好的方面   lot:由偶然因素引起的命运、
  背影   ——致我父亲   在别的文章中,我总是称他为爸爸,有时也调皮地叫他老爸,可今天,我称他为父亲,因为这篇文章是我为他写的.——题记   父亲从西安回来了,我很高兴,终于可以向他汇报学习,生活了,也不必一人闷在家中,父亲会带我去游山玩水.   当父亲一跨入家门,我发现他黑了,瘦了,西安那边繁重的工作肯定压坏了父亲,他看见我高兴的叫了声:“儿子!长高了不少嘛!”父亲的声音略带沙哑,不再像年轻时拿般洪亮了.   我跟在父亲后面,去拿行李,夕阳折射出父亲的背影,那个背影苍老,背略略有点驼……还未看清,夕阳收走余辉,兴许夕阳也害怕我太伤心,走了.   吃过晚饭,我和父亲去散步.“老爸,西安那边……”我寻思了一会儿,还是问了下去,“……那边好吗?”“好啊!你看老爸不是很健康吗?”“嗯……”   这时,前方走来一个父亲的同学,父亲走上去与他交谈,月光敞开心扉,又用它的光照出了父亲的背影.   “老爸”,我平时这么叫他,可是看来,父亲确实老了,从前的他,背直挺挺的,总是幽默地和我开玩笑.   此时的背影映出了一个男人的尊严,那是父亲的,它雄壮,豪迈,热血飞扬,正如父亲平时教育我的话:“好男儿志在四方,儿子,去拼,去搏!”所以,这几年来,我拼搏,年年竞选班长,就是为了对得起父亲,父亲那深沉的爱……   早晨,正在梦乡,父亲拼命拉我起床:“走,去晨练!”阳光洒在大地上,又折出了父亲的背影,这次不同了!   那背影充满了期望,是对我的期望,也是对妈妈,哥哥……所有家人的期望,我自信地点点头,追上了父亲,“行呀!小子,跑快了呀!我和你比!”……   父亲的背影有不同的含义,但那都是深沉的父爱的化身.父亲的背影永远映在我的脑海中,永不磨灭!,


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