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  Long long ago, in the face of the earth there was a big drought: all the rivers and wells to dry up. Vegetation jungle also are dry, many people and animal are thirsty to death.   One night, a little girl holding a jug out of the house, for her sick mother to look for water. The little girl can't find it anywhere water, collapsed on the grass and fell asleep. When she woke up, picked up a jar at the jar was full, clear and fresh water. The little girl be overjoyed, really want to drink your fill, but another want, these mothers is not enough water to it, quickly ran home to hold water. She hurriedly, did not pay attention to the foot of a dog, suddenly stumble on it, the pitcher also fall in the underground. Bi puppy to scream. The little girl hurried to pick up tank.   She thought, the water must be spilled, but no, the jar squarely in lying on the ground, water in the pot is full. The little girl pour water in the palm of your hand a little, little dog lick it all the net, be glad. When the little girl to the pitcher, wood has become a silver pitcher. The little girl brought the tank home, to the mother. Mother said:" I'm going to die, or for you to drink." Jug and handed the little girl again. At that moment, and from silver jug was changed into gold. At this time, the little girl couldn't help, is to collect the pitcher to drink when, suddenly from the outside into a passerby, to discuss water to drink, the little girl swallowed a spittle, put the jug to passers-by. When suddenly from the pitcher out of seven large diamonds, then from the inside out a huge clear and fresh water.   And the higher the seven diamond more rose, rose to the sky, to become seven star, this is what people say the bear constellation.!
  Beethoven( Ludwig van Beethoven,1770~1827), one of the German greatest musicians.Ancestral home Holland.( also say the Poland), was born in civilian's family of German Bonn, have already reared the music talent very much, eight years old starts going on stage the performance.Arrive the 维 in 1792 too the advanced study of 纳 , the art goes forward the step flies quickly.Beethoven believes in the republican, emphasizing the hero, artistic have the excellent work that large quantity is filled with ages breathing, such as:Symphony 《 hero 》 , 《 destiny 》 ;The overture 《哀 space receives with the 》 ;The piano plays the hot liver the etc. of 》 in》 , 《 in storm in》 , 《 in song in moonlight in》 , 《 in sad 怆 in《 in song in鸣 .The whole life is frustrated, diding not establish family.The hour of 26 years old starts the deaf, the old age is all and deaf, can pass to talk the volume and person's confabulation.But the lonely life dids not make him silent to back with the 隐 , in the wholely progress thought all were restored monarchy by prohibition against feudalism age, guard securely the political conviction of the " freedom, equal" still, pass the speech with the work, shout for the ideal the arm of 奋 in republican, write down the immortal make the 《 the ninth symphony 》 .His work is enlightened by 18 centuries sport with the influence that Germany shot up the onrush the sport, the character is fresh and clear, than people of the past had the very big development.In music expressing, he involve almost at that time all of music form;Increases consumedly the performance dint of the piano, make it been handed over to ring the sexual drama result;Make symphony become again to reflect the important music form that society replace directly.Beethoven gather the classical music big, developped the romantic period and musical road at the same time, have got the prominent function to the musical development in world, drive your respectful name is" enjoy the saint".   贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven、1770-1827)!德国最伟大的音乐家之一、祖籍荷兰(亦说波兰)。出生于德国波恩的平民家庭,很早就显露了音乐才能。八岁开始登台演出、1792年到维也纳深造,艺术上进步飞快、贝多芬信仰共和,崇尚英雄,创作了有大量充满时代气息的优秀作品。如:交响曲《英雄》、《命运》、序曲《哀格蒙特》、钢琴奏鸣曲《悲怆》。《月光曲》。《暴风雨》,《热情》等等!一生坎坷。没有建立家庭!二十六岁时7710开始耳聋,晚年全聋!只能通过谈话册与人交谈!但孤寂的生活并没有使他沉默和隐退,在一切进步思想都遭禁止的封建复辟年代里、依然坚守“自由、平等”的政治信念!通过言论8446和作品、为共和理想0359奋臂呐喊,写下不朽名作《第九交响曲》。他的作品受十八世纪启蒙运动和德国狂飙突进运动的影响!个性鲜明。较前人有了很大的发展。在音乐表现上。他几乎涉及当时所有的音乐体裁、大大4594提高了钢琴的表现力,使使之获得交响性的戏剧效果、又使交响曲成为直接反映社会变革的重要音乐形式。贝多芬集古典音乐的大成,同时开辟了浪漫时期音乐的道路。对世界音乐的发展有着举足轻3401重的作用!被尊称为“乐圣”!。
  我最近睡觉老喜欢做梦!一睡着梦就来了、我的梦有5947两种类型:一种是好梦,一种是恶梦,做好梦会让我整天都快快乐乐的。做恶梦则会让我胆战心惊,一晚上都睡不好,害得我白天上课时打瞌睡被老师骂!还要写检讨、拿回去给妈妈签字!结果又被挨一顿骂、真是惨啊!所以我每天睡觉前都祈祷着做好梦?但常常事与愿违,做不了几天好梦,恶梦又来干扰我了、唉、真拿它没办法, 有一天,我5765进入梦乡时,梦见我在一次考试中!因为认真复习、细心检查,公布成绩的时候。我以一百5453分的好成绩?拿到了全班第一名。这可是我多年的心愿啊,当时激动4638得眼睛都快流出来了!回家后。我赶紧把成绩拿给爸爸妈妈看。他们也非常高兴。不仅带我到肯德基1175大饱口福!还奖励我十元钱!那时候。我简直觉得自己就是世界上最快乐。最幸福的人,早上被闹铃吵醒时我还在笑呢, 但是、做恶梦可就一点也不美了,有次睡着后、我慢慢进入了梦乡,梦见我放学回家时、一不小心踩到了一块香蕉皮,摔得四脚朝天、还滑出了几米远。之后就迷路了,正当我在哭的时候、一阵大风吹来,我都还没来及时反应过来。就被吹下了山崖。落到了一片草原上,四周荒无人烟。连鸟儿也没看见一个?只有1522风儿使劲刮着。我吓得跳了起来!然后就啥也不知道了。第二天醒来后!我才发现自己居然尿床了。多么地羞人啊。还好是在家里做梦!要是在外面跟同学在一起时可怎么得了啊、 我希望以后少做点恶?
  我爸爸从小就标榜自己的阳光教育、说孩子只要身心健康。快乐成长就行了!不一定要有什么能耐有钱、我也一直觉得自己是个三观正心态好的人、直到今天家里的叔叔为了房子做出很多下三滥的事情以后。我一直问自己!为什么老老实实勤勤恳恳的人都混的一般般。而那些自私狡诈不择手段的人却可以风光无限!做了一大堆错事后,还可以口气狂妄的告诉你:你们就是没能耐、你3779们三家人也斗不过我们。我们就是可以耍0499手段走后门....   事情起因是我叔叔一直想霸占我奶奶的房子,开始以照顾我奶奶为名住到了我奶奶家,前几个月倒还是相安无事,大家都表示有他照顾奶奶!大家都放心好多。毕竟我奶奶是独居的、虽然我家离我奶奶家不远。我爸6714也天天去看我奶奶?但还是稍微有点不放心。某次我去看望我奶奶、奶奶说他出门刚回家,我问她做什么去了,年纪大了别乱跑!她说去买卫生纸。我当时很诧异,我说卫生纸没了叔叔婶婶难道不用吗。我0409奶奶告诉我?他们的卫生纸是分开的。3240我一听肺都气炸了,回5861去不告诉我爸妈,我爸妈却说我叔叔不会那么过分一定是我夸张了。后来慢慢的。叔叔婶婶跟奶奶分开做饭,油盐酱醋都分开用!叔叔婶婶住在我奶奶家。还要我奶奶交生活费(主要是水电费)!   渐渐的。我奶奶告诉家里人,说我叔叔婶婶成天偷偷翻她的东西。产证户口本什么的、我奶奶心里不舒服。也觉得我叔叔有企图。就把产证户口本身份证分别放在其他几家人家里。以防我叔叔偷偷去过户什么的、这样又过了一阵,我叔叔以自己户口不在本市,医保报销麻烦等理由要我奶奶同意他把户口迁入奶奶家,因为婶婶家、
  Cancer (crab)巨蟹座 June 22 to July 21Those born under the sign of crab are very sensitive, so they laugh and cry easily. They change their minds often, but when they decide they really want something, they don’t let go of that desire. Cancer love their homes and families, and are interested in history and ancient objects. They have strong imaginations so that they make good teachers, public speakers, and writersHarmonious signs: Pisces, Scorpio and Taurus,
  Honorific leadership, teacher, dear classmates:   Today, is a special day, is also a day worthy of celebrate by us.Because we will soon step the door of the school of a bead light primary school today, leaving our mother school, starting our ll new high school life, entering an all new study stage.   We still remember the meaning of the bead light primary school school badge.That is a very big cradle, load with numerous big birds of inside, as long as the big grow up, will fly toward the sky of the distant place, but they will not forget the loving care from childhood of the cradle.We compare to that only big bird of , taking to hope, dream of with the thanksgiving, fly a bead small.We will is our conviction in the world-wide locations joint effort, for not be ungrateful to the teachers expectation but work hard to struggle!   The time of primary school six years lead always so quick, is a bead small let us lead since comfortable and happy again meaningful.Here at the same time, we must still appreciate industrious gardener- The teachers that everyone has no private dedication, everyday at for we but work hard at chores, let us say to them in each classmates of with gratitude and esteem!   After taking leave the primary school study career, we hold hands together hard!For recompensing the small industrious cultivation of bead but work hard in the high school   尊敬的领导、老师,亲爱的同学们:   今天!是一个特殊的日子、也是一个值得我们纪念的日子、因为今天我们即将踏出珠光小学的校门!离开我们的母校!开始我们全新的中学生活!进入一个全新的学习阶段!   我们还记得珠光小学校徽的意义!那是一个很大的摇篮!里面装载着无数只大鹏鸟!只要大鹏一长大,就会飞向远处的天空,但它们不会忘记摇篮的养育之恩,我们就好比那一只只大鹏鸟,带着希望。梦想与感恩,飞出珠小!我们会在世界各地共同努力,为我们的信念。为不辜负老师们的期望而努力奋斗,   小学六年的时光过得总是那么快!是珠小9572让我们过得既快活又有意义,在此同时。我们还必须感谢辛勤的园丁----各位无私奉献的老师们!8963每天都在为我们而操劳?让我们在座的每一位同学都向他们表示感谢和敬意、   告别小学学习生涯后,我们携手一起努力。为报答珠小的辛勤栽培而在中学里努力吧   The primary school graduation make a speech draft   Will soon leave I treat for six years to keep me, teaching my mother school!!The at heart orders the intravenous drop drops are all with gratitudes!!Recall the time of the whole happinesses and tears.I am filled with a thousand regrets, is a book particularly!Book book, is you gave abundant knowledge, is you gave me the qualified diploma, is the destiny and prospects that you change me, also is you let me walk up a new class of the life step.Let me know at the time of absorbing the knowledge in the ocean of knowledge, let me know more: the knowledge is endless endless!Remember to get the prizes every time all filled with a thousand regrets~~~ thankful teacher, thank to grow my mother school with meticulous care!!I feel that book is my best teacher and friends, it is substantial my life, open widely my visual field, abundant my knowledge, raise my artistic talent.Difficulty hour, it give I with remind and help;Smooth hour, it encourages for me and applauses, is it accompanies with me to head for the success step by step.   Go to the high school, we even want to work hard:   A, to choose the good book.The knowledge of big thousand worlds is endless endless, the book piles up the mountain, we are impossible 11 browse, must have the choice when we study, to choose health of, elegant, vogue of, classic, useful book.   Two, to be good at studying.Isn't all books must study, favorite book, useful book, want to read again and again, the general book turn over a then.It is to attain to browse to combine with intensive reading.   Three, to read with the result that use.Need to shape the thoughts and feelings of read the literature book, want to extend the visual field and then read the history ground, the astronomy book, want to read the science book, reference book towards studying and living do good.   Four, to develop the habit of for life studying.I is a companion with book every day from now.A free picked up the book to read, on the table, bedside, the baggage box in, all put the book that I like.   I hope that the classmates in must with book knot for friend, cherish the book, support the book.End, I offer a few words to everyone, we come to total together.   小学毕业演讲稿   即将离开我待了六年养我,育我的母校!!心头点点滴滴都是感谢!!回忆一切快乐与泪水的时光.我感慨万千,尤其是书!书啊书、是你给了丰富的知识、是你给了我合格的文凭!是你改变我的命运和前途!也是你让我走上了人生新的一级台阶。让我知道在知识的海洋中吸取知识的同时,让我更加懂得:知识是无穷无尽的!记得每一次获奖都感慨万千~~~感谢老师,感谢精心培育我的母校!!我觉得书是我最好的老师和朋友,它充实着我的生活,拓宽着我的视野。丰富着我的知识。提高着我的才华,困难时、它给我以提醒和帮助。顺利时。它给我加油和鼓掌!是它伴随着我一步步走向成功。   上了中学我们更要努力:   一、要选好书。大千世界知识无穷无尽?书籍堆6989积成山!3480我们不可能一一浏览。我们读书时必须有所选择!要选健康的!高雅,时尚的!经典,有用的书籍、   二!要善于读书!并不是所有的书都必须研读、喜欢的书、有用的书、要反复的读,一般的书翻一遍即可!就是做到浏览与精读结合、   三。要读以致用、需陶冶情操的就去读文学书。想扩大视野就去读史地,天文书,想对学习和生活有帮助就去读科学书、工具书,   四。要养8755成终身读书的习惯?我从现在。天天与书为伴!一有空就拿起7950书来读!桌上!床头,行李箱里。都放着我喜爱的书!   我希望在座的同学们一定要与书结为朋友。珍惜书、爱戴书!最后,我奉献几句话给大家!我们一起来共勉.   愿书本给你,给我,给他。带来快乐!带来成动,带来幸福!!
  ea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to   receive from me any repayment of your favour! but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a Lion.”   1.狮和鼠   一只老鼠从一只狮子面前跑过去、将它从梦中吵醒!   狮子生气地跳起来、捉住老鼠,要弄死它、老鼠哀求说:「只要你肯饶恕我这条小生命!我将来一定会报答你的大恩。」狮子便笑着放了它、   后来狮子被几个猎人捉住?用粗绳捆4452绑倒在地上!老鼠听出是狮子的吼声、走来用牙齿咬断绳索。释放了它,2061并大声说:「你当时嘲笑我想帮你的忙。而且也不指望我有什么机会   报答。但是你现在知道了!就算是小老鼠!也能向狮子效劳的 A wolf had been badly wounded by dogs. He lay sick and maimed in his lair.,
  1 我的梦想My Dream   Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in future.However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.After graduating from college, I found a job as a teacher.Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy.The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.   每个人都有很多的梦想,有些人想要有钱,梦想成为百万富翁过夜?别人想要出名,梦想着突然跳跃到很高的声誉。我有很多梦想,也是!当我还是个小女孩的时候,我梦想成为一名科学家像华Luogen,在未来的?然而,我知道得很清楚,我不可能取得成功的艰苦的努力、所以我努力学习在中学和大学为了达到了我的目标!大学毕业后,我找到了一份当老师的工作,虽然我非常忙碌和在教学过程中,我从来没有放弃我的目标。我读了很多书,获得更多的知识!我做了实验来练习和运用我所学过的书!有时,我是那么深深沉迷在我的研究,我忘了我的饭和时间,现在我有了很大的进步!我的几位研究论文发表!在我的论文中提出的方法都已经被证明是有价值的解决一些问题。我很高兴、梯子要成为一名科学家仍遥遥领先,但我2554已经爬上了第一响吧,   2 Everyone has a dream, some of them are easy to get through but some are hard. I have a dream as well, and my dream is to be a computer scientist, because my hobby is playing computer. And computer technology can make our live more easy and convenience. People can send E-mail to thier freinds instead of writting letters. Sometimes people can do shopping oline using internet. Although my dream is a bit difficult for me to get through, but i will try my best to study hard, and make my dream come ture.   每个人都有一个梦想、有些很容易实现!有些却很难!我也有一个梦想!我的梦想是成为一名计算机科学家!因为我的爱好是玩电脑,计算机技!
  Dream梦想   Everyone have dreams, which are everybody yearning. The man who without dreams   每个人都有梦想, 它是人人所渴望的, 没有梦想的人   in his life will be empty, but dreams always be changing as your thought go forward.    的人生将是空白的! 但梦想总是随6963着你思想的前进而改变的,   When I was in primary school, I had a dream. I hope that I won't have homework 当我小学时。 我有一个梦想,我希望将来有一天可以没有有家庭作业、 to do one day. But the time we can play have became less and less, and 1/3 in our 可玩耍的时间变得越来越少。 而我们一天中的三分之一 day we were imprisoned in the classroom, so many time on study! And till I come 被禁锢在教室! 太多时间在学习上、 直到我上 to the junior high school, I had a dream, I hope I can become a good child,I can   初中 我有一个梦想。我希望自己能成为一个好孩子!   be praised by my family when I return home;can be sure by teachers at school; and   回到家能受到家人的表扬、 在学校能受到老师们的肯定,   can have a outstanding performance among the classmates .So shortly afterwards, 、在同学之间能有出众的表现、 所以不久后、   I had learned to struggle. However, at my high school, every day is bustling, 我学会了奋斗, 然而、 上了高中后, 每天都是忙忙碌碌的! Sometimes bad temper is too strong to be controlled ,but life made me understand 有时候坏脾气是如此强烈以至于不能被控制, 但生活让我   the truth to conduct myself slowly。Fortunately, I worked hard, every day 慢慢懂得做人的道理! 幸运的是, 我会努力!每一天 I got up early and went to bed late, grasp myself and never lighten up. 我都在为了梦想而起早赶晚! 把握自己不再松散。   实用演讲稿大全演讲稿书写格式演讲稿书写技巧竞聘演讲稿爱国主义教育演...英语演讲稿   All day,all the time, I am searching hardly, and fight for a bright future. 每一天、 甚至每一刻 , 我都苦苦探索, 为了光明的未来而奋斗。 With the dream, chase turned up, with the goal, power turned up. Dream, is a   有了梦想,也就有了追求、 有了目标、就有了动力, 梦想。是一架 high bridge, regardless of whether it can reach the other shore, To process dreams, 高高的桥梁,不管最终是否能到达彼岸!拥有梦想!   and to pursue them, try to make them come true ,this is a kind of success, a 并去追求它,努力使其实现。 这已经是一种成功,   kind of glory. In the process of the pursuit of dreams ,we are growing up!! 一种荣耀、 在追梦这个过程中, 我们是在成长的,   Dreams can urge people make progress endlessly, perhaps in this road ,we will 梦想会催人不断前进。 也许在这2755条道路中!我们将会meet many difficulties and frustrations, but never mind, Where you fall down, 遇到无数的挫折和困难, 但没关系、 在哪里跌倒   is where you should stand up, for your dream and future! After all, the future 就在哪里爬起来。 为自己的梦想和未来! 毕竟! 前途 not only rely on luck, also depend on our own. 不仅靠运气。 也靠我们自己!   Friends, let us work together! Because I believe that no pain no gain!!   朋友,让我们一起努力吧、因为我相信no pain no gain!!,


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