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  属相Zodiac,十二生肖的名称The name of the Chinese zodiac,奥巴马总统生于1961年,他属牛President Obama was born in 1961, his zodiac is cattle.本命年是Benming Year。
  圣诞节是什么时候用英语怎么说    圣诞节是什么时候英语是:When is Christmas?   注意Christmas后面是不能再加day了   Christmas本身就是圣诞节的意思,
  What's your sign/horos户ope?   I am a Leo.。
  libra 天秤座   The two most likely to desperately need another half are Libra and Scorpio, though for not thesame reasons.   两个极度需要另一半的星座是天秤座和天蝎座!不过他们的缘由不尽相同,。
  chicken   例句;A young chicken is called a chick.   小鸡又叫作鸡娃儿.。
  例句 A stroke of fortune or fate; lot. 运气!命运 One's fortune in life; fate. 命运,运气某人一生的运气、命运 Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one. 命运命运。尤指厄运或劫数 The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot. 命运一个特定的人或事注定的不可避免的运气、命运 The turns of luck in the course of one's life. 时运,命运人一生中运气的转变   满意请采纳,
  What's / What is your horoscope、/ Which horoscope/star sign are you? [你是什么星座、 / 你6857是哪个星座。]   1. I'm (a) Capricorn [我是摩羯座]   2. My horoscope is Capricorn. [我的星座是摩羯座]     Horoscope可以用 Star Sign(星座)来代替,     属相,   What's/ What is your zodiac? [你的属相是什么?]   1.I'm a (属相,比如说:Dog/狗)[我是狗]   2.My zodiac is dog [我的属相是狗]   3.My animal is dog [我的动物是狗]   4.I was born on the year of the dog [我是在狗年出生的]!
  the turning point of life   其实两种说法都可以?但如果是我的话会用turning point(连字符号可以省略)。因为milestone多作“里程碑”来讲。。
  I often dream about you.?
  escape from reality 逃离现实   tease by fate 被命运捉弄   a sad fairy tale 悲伤的童话!


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