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  动画片《猫和老3376鼠》中的老鼠叫Jerry,翻译为杰瑞、   杰瑞是米高梅和华纳兄弟制作的的美国经典动画片《猫和老鼠》(又译《汤姆和杰瑞》Tom and Jerry)中的主角之一(Jerry)、是一只古灵精怪的老鼠、由于杰瑞古灵精怪的特征,经常能够成功戏弄猫咪汤姆(Tom)来演出很多搞笑镜头逗观众笑。   杰瑞总是用挑逗的眼神看着镜头,并且常常在不经意期间玩弄汤姆!因为杰瑞古灵精怪,所以经常能成功的戏弄汤姆且让他糗事百出?不过有时他也会被汤姆戏弄。时而在戏弄汤姆的同时也会享受到汤姆对它的关心、让它感动,   。
  是不是都一起中彩票了 然后2人各盖了一幢房子 TOM的被坑了最后就只是小瓦房 小老鼠好像成土豪了 反正各种逗!
  Xiao Ling and Lanlan are on their way to the dormitory. Xiao Ling drops a book and Yani and Songtao who happen to be right behind them, pick up the book and give it back to them. Y: Excuse me, is this your book? X: Thank you so much. Y: You are welcome. Are you new admits? X : yes. We just came to register yesterday. My name is Xiao ling. Nice to meet you. This is my best high school friend Lanlan. Y: My name is Yani. Nice to meet you, too. This is my friend since childhood, Songtao. S: hi! We both came from xxx. L: really? I am from that city, too. We are all town fellows aren’t we?. It’s such a small world. S: absolutely. We both major in computer science. What’s your major? X: accounting. I don’t really like it. But my parents said this school offers excellent accounting programs and it will be easier for me to get a job later on. L: My major is education. I want to be a teacher. I think it is cool. S: I picked my own major because I know what I want. I just like computers a lot. I would like to be a computer programmer in the future. Y: Well, I don’t know wether I really like it or not. I just follow Songtao where he goes. X: I feel bad for those students who make it to the top but had to quit school because of financial problems. S: My parents paid some of my tution and I said to myself that I want to be a somebody. But no matter how much I do, I will never be able to repay my parents for what they have done for me. L: I think I will find some off campus jobs in summer. I don’t want to be a burden to my family . My parents have been working hard all their lives. X: Lanlan, you are great. S: look. The boys are playing basketball now. I will join them. See you ! X: let’s keep in touch, ok? L: I don’t have a cell phone. Can I send you e-mails? Y: Sure. Here is my cell phone number. 12345678 And this is my e-mail address. Please write to me. L: I will. X: this is mine.:22334455.I am so glad to meet you. Take care! Y and S: bye!。
8372  世界上最有名的猫和老鼠!也是最长寿的一对——它们已经整整存活了68年!   当William Denby Hanna和Joseph Roland Barbera制作出这一对活宝的时候。他们大概没有想到他4140们的贡献有多大、这一对天生的冤家从诞生开始就注定了他们是给世界带来欢笑的。假如你是早晨九点钟就爬起来等待收看动画片的那一代人,那么你必定对我所说的话产生深深的共鸣,假如你不是、那也6469没有关系?因为Tom和Jerry是不会随着时间而褪色的、相反,他们在时间长河里浸泡越久,他们也会显得越有魅力,你也越会被感动。比起现在那些所谓有深度有意义的动画来说!Tom And Jerry的10分钟片断与其相比倒显得更具光辉。   《猫和老鼠》之父?是好莱坞动画界的“传奇人物”William Hanna(威廉·汉纳:2001年3月22日去世、享年90岁)。他曾与Joseph Barbera共同创作了《猫和老鼠》。《摩5693登原始人》?《猎犬哈克利伯利》!《瑜珈熊》等著名的卡通形象。   威廉·汉纳原是华纳动画部门中的上色作家,写过许多3544歌和笑话!纳瑟芬·芭芭拉从纽约来,1945年、MGM成立了动画部门、威廉·汉纳和芭芭拉出任总裁、1955年。由于制作动画费用上升等因素。MGM公司决定不再办动画,威廉·汉纳和芭芭拉自己创办公司、叫HannaBarbera、他们成为汉纳-芭芭拉工作室(Hanna Barbara Studios)的创始人和领导者,威廉·汉纳的故事好,芭芭拉画得好!画的表情尤其到位,当时创作的《猫和老鼠》中,猫叫Jasper!老鼠叫Jinx、就是今天见到的汤姆和杰瑞、汉纳-芭芭拉工作室在米高梅公司制作的卡通《猫和老鼠》。1940年播出第一集?以后迅速受到欢迎。曾经每周播出11小时、使他们的名气达到顶峰!   总论   《猫和老鼠》动画片是制片人弗雷德·昆比。导演威廉·汉纳及约瑟夫·巴伯拉于1939年创作的!继第一个动画短片《猫得到靴子》大获成功后,25年中米高梅电影公司拍制了100多部《猫和老鼠》动画片!这套动画片完全以闹剧为特色,情节十分热闹、   《猫和老鼠》(又译《汤姆和杰里》Tom&Jerry)是当今举世闻名的动画片!它的创造者威廉·汉纳(William Hanna)及约瑟夫·巴伯拉(Joseph Barbera)是美国好莱坞动画界的“传奇人物”!威廉·汉纳出生于新墨西哥梅尔罗斯!七岁时随!
  He can be stubborn to withstand the test of any hardship, the wishes of the current advance will help him remove all obstacles on the road. He was good at speculation   Other people's weaknesses, learn to grasp the vulnerability of women and touched their情思. In love, he never in a dominating position, in his view,   As long as the purpose is good, and can be unscrupulous.   Since his indomitable spirit, he would be the failure of local people to succeed.   Only when he transcended his nature when he can from the inner self-torment the shackles of, and radiated a huge fine   God forces into unimaginable creativity.   Xingli in the Taurus birthday, and the effects of Venus and the women he clicked straight away. Their spiritual life or whether other aspects   Will be satisfactory harmony.   Cancer gentle and obedient with women, their feelings will be very harmonious life will be full of poetry.   Shuangyuzuo women will he really feel the joy of life.   Pragmatic, courageous female lion Block will change his character, and his depression, and complicated stubborn relieved Nian   Out.   Women: her character, emotion and love lives   Natural shape the quality of the innocent, as a while fresh wind; not inhibit a vitality and a passion toward freedom,   Centaur is female. This is purely ideological, loving sports, the heart is full of joy "girls." She always yearn for the heart   Innocent, was an idealized love.   Astronomers with the men, he did not want themselves to be bound by any emotional. Spent in the free and carefree   Single life, once she established her own family, she will become a Good Wife and Good Mother and the family mainstay. She needs a   To the respect of others, she hoped that the work be appreciated and well, she is concerned about her husband and the children's well-being, and know how to respect his   The independence of their respective   And the Gemini birthday Xingwei male partnering, their lives will be a vibrant park.   She's full of passion and heart-warming Aries male lion at the men will get along very well.?
有谁知道天蝎座的由来,希腊神话 英文版的
  我帮你查的 希望能帮到你哈   The sun god Apollo balaam the son of wild meal、Naturally beautiful and sexy!He therefore feel conceited arrogance and rude attitude, always, too strong personality often make he accidentally against many people. One day, someone told and wild, say: "you are not the sun god's son!" Say that finish laugh and flicking, competitive and how to swallow wild meal this tone, so he asked his mother: "I exactly whether his son?" But no matter how his mother assurances it was born, and Apollo wild meal still don't believe his mother, she said, "make fun of you is the son of Zeus, the position is very high, if still don't believe, then go to ask the sun god Apollo yourself!"   Listen to the Apollo his son's question, say with smile: "don't listen to their nonsense, of course, you are my son!"   And wild meal is determined not to believe, in fact, still he of course know that the sun god never lying, but he had other purpose-requirements of the sun, driving father car to prove himself is the son of Apollo. "This how line?" Apollo frightened, that the sun is the master of all time, but they will be making huge disaster, but gave up, Apollo and wild while driving in a certain track showed how the sun's car, and wild arrogant, listen to all didn't listen to jumped in the car speeding away.   The results of course very badly, the people of the earth, animals, plants is not hot dead is freezing, also wrong time, wrong to make day dark, restless. All the gods to halt and wild meal, released by the days after a poison scorpion, sheila biting and wild, and Zeus's ankle is in a terrible thunder and lightning struck the wild meal, see his fall to the ground with a rasping whoop, died.   Earth again, in order to commemorate that one quiet also killed by lightning poison scorpion, this sign was named "Scorpio".、
  你好、是生肖狗了   还有羊和牛   狗是人类的朋友   羊温顺   牛吃的是草。挤得是奶     狗在十二地支中以「戌」为代表。在一年中戌月是九月。是个收藏的季节。此时山野一片7195凋落寂寞。是个入冬之前的景色。方向是西北偏西、属乾宫。在一日中!戌时指下午七时至九时。正是黑夜扩散,5710华灯初上时分。     性格     狗是人类忠实的朋友!也是原始社会中共同生活的伙伴!可以保护主人、对狗而言。只要与人类在一起,就自然会有食物、此种关系自古迄今5954都不变,狗与人的故事也不胜枚举!人人多少都能道出一些感人的狗故事!台湾北海岸有名的十八王公庙就是供著忠心救主人的一条狗!在街头上。狗也可以帮助盲人过路,     因此、狗年出生的人也具有忠于主人的特性。对工7693作很投入、不会轻言跳槽!如果不是主管,则在工作上会充分发挥实力以上的表现!让主管也有光彩!尤其是在年轻时期!能顺利表现,服从上司、就会深受器重。是很好的工作伙伴、不过三十五岁以后会有较多纷争情形。必须宽心!诚实,冷静,沉著地去克服。打破难关,才能更上一层楼。而在社会上更有成就!但如果无法顺利突破,就只能在那种情形下平安过一生。在个性上也和狗一样的活泼、2129也具有敏锐的直觉力和判断力!会毫无厌倦地跟著他信得过的上4903司和朋友?不过有时会令人感到很烦、     属狗2102而生于早上的人!较无胆量、为人较懦弱。相当保守,因此!做事会害怕困难、患得患失、看到有权势的人就自然生起胆怯之心。静立在旁、提心吊胆、此种男性在社会上会被0702认为没出息!工作平平,只能在份内达成、没有进取心!适合做职员、回到家里也是一样!唯妻子之命是从,平淡过一生、若是女性则对丈夫和子女很坚贞、有嫁狗随狗0248的认命天分、不怨地为家庭付出一切,是很理想2029的主妇。    5376 属狗而生于午间的人,活动力强!眼光锐利!嗅觉灵敏,是狩猎型人物、对事业雄心勃勃!能看出社会上商机处处。勇于去获取目标、因此终日在外,忙于事业和社交、较不会守在家中、但对妻子是很疼爱的!很忠心的、若是女性,对爱情2214敏感也直率!又富于魅力!所以3312大多早婚、也如此会得到幸福,不过,同样不喜守在家中。会继续婚前的工作、属上下班族或拥有家庭事业型的人。     属狗而生于晚上的人!充分发挥忠诚心、无论对老板!老师。长辈等。都忠心耿耿!不会变节。大至国家小至朋友!都能尽忠到底,而且成为朋友之后。可以维持终生不变的友谊,此种男性、性情平和、9081忠于任何事务!忠于家庭。会认为家庭及友情比金钱重要,会疼爱妻儿,也是一位很好的男人!若是女性,则做人圆滑、易与6885人做朋友?也会让同事同学有好感!所以同事结8214婚比例较多,   采纳点图标……。


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