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  The Chinese zodiac is any of the twelve animals, representing the twelve Earthly Branches,   used to symbolize the year in which a person is born. They are Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog。Pig. You see, in the Chinese zodiac, the year 2012 is the year of the Dragon.,
  大马国油双峰塔: Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia:   (1) The Petronas Towers (also known as the Petronas Twin Towers or KLCC) are skyscrapers and twin towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They were the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 until surpassed by Taipei 101, but remain the tallest twin buildings in the world.   (2) Designed by Argentine architects César Pelli and Djay Cerico under the consultancy of Julius Gold and Filipino engineer Domingo Basa, the Petronas Towers were completed in 1998 after a seven year build and became the tallest buildings in the world on the date of completion.Because of the depth of the bedrock, the buildings were built on the world's deepest foundations. The 120-meter foundations were built within 12 months by Bachy Soletanche and required massive amounts of concrete.   (3) The 88-floor towers are constructed largely of reinforced concrete, with a steel and glass facade designed to resemble motifs found in Islamic art, a reflection of Malaysia's Muslim religion.Another Islamic influence on the design is that the cross section of the towers is based on a Rub el Hizb, albeit with circular sectors added to meet office space requirements. Tower 1 was built by a Japanese consortium led by the Hazama Corporation while Tower 2 was built by Samsung C&T and Kukdong Engineering & Construction, both South Korean contractors.The sky bridge contract was completed by Kukdong Engineering & Construction. Thus, Tower 2 became the first to reach the world's tallest building at the time.!
  Chopsticks are small tapered sticks used in pairs of equal length as the traditional eating utensils of Greater China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Generally believed to have originated in ancient China, they can also be found in some areas of Tibet and Nepal that are close to Han Chinese populations. Chopsticks are most commonly made of bamboo or plastic, but are also made of metal, bone, ivory, and various types of wood. The pair of sticks is maneuvered in one hand, between the thumb and fingers, and used to pick up pieces of food.   ========================   如何使用筷子   Chopsticks are used to eat most kinds of Chinese foods, with some exceptions. Some of the most important rules to remember when dining with chopsticks are as follows:   Hold your chopsticks towards their end, not in the middle or the front third.   When you are not using your chopsticks, or have finished eating, lay them down in front of you with the tips to left.   Do not stick chopsticks into your food, especially not into rice. This is only done at funerals with rice that is put onto the altar.   Do not pass food directly from your set of chopsticks to another's. Again, this is a funeral tradition that involves the bones of a cremated body.   Do not spear food with your chopsticks.   Do not point with your chopsticks.   Do not wave your chopsticks around in the air or play with them.   Do not move plates or bowls around with your chopsticks.   To separate a piece of food in two, exert controlled pressure on the chopsticks while moving them apart from each other in order to tear the food. This takes some practice. With larger pieces of food such as tempura, it is also acceptable to pick up the entire piece with your chopsticks, and take a bite.   If you have already eaten with your chopsticks, use the opposite end to take food from a shared plate.?
  演员 角色   郭品超 虎   陈浩民 鼠   李曼 兔   释小龙 龙   杨幂 蛇   牟凤彬 牛   陈德容 羊   陈司翰 马   于娜 鸡   赵毅 狗   费振翔 猴   谢宁 猪!
求 十二星座英文介绍 稍微长点 谢谢
  白羊座   白羊座符号象征着新的开始,   符号能量:控制?由于白羊座的上进心强、有时难免冲动!忽略他人的感受、   白羊座的象征是一头公羊,也可以诠释成公羊的角和鼻子,白羊座始于春季的第一天8597(北半球)。象征一个新的开始新生的绿芽,表现出大地新生和欣欣向荣的景象、    金牛座   金牛座符号象征着力量、    符号能量:拥有,金牛座符号让人脚踏实地。但难免由于太固执而失去,   星座符号中的圆型代表着太阳的出现。顾名思义金牛在黄道十二宫中代表“金钱”。凡是能产生满足人们物质需要的各种设施!活动都属于它管辖范围、金牛座的外表温驯。但内心充满欲望、在古代。农夫播种之前都用牛来耕田犁地,因此它也是收入和报酬的代号!   双子座   双子座5803符号象征着智慧,    符号能量:掌握?双子座经常一心二用!兴趣广泛。但有时难免了解的不太深刻。   双子座的星座符号是像Ⅱ的两根的平行直线,两头再以两根较短的横条封口,代表着CASTO与PULLUX这两颗永不分离6603的孪生星星、常被看成正反两面的象征。譬如对与错。施与受、教和学等、而在黄道十二宫中掌管“教育”的双子星座!不单指知识。还包含邮政以及针对学校及国家为人民所做的各种传播、沟通管道!   巨蟹座   巨0735蟹座符号象征着坚强。   符号能量:热情。外表时常冷漠的巨蟹座、内心充满善意和温情!应该适当的释放出来?   巨蟹座的星座符号就像是一只顶着硬壳的可爱小螃蟹横行的模样、有些占星家则认为。巨蟹座的星座符号像是两只对峙的小螃蟹,平衡着一个至日的起点。太阳在夏日的第一天进入巨蟹座开始夏至。而巨蟹座在黄道十二宫中,掌管的是与房屋有关的,像是房地产!银行。房屋贷款等、都是巨蟹座的势力范围、   狮子座   狮子座符号象征着权力。   符号能量:清醒,狮子座很多地方比较优秀,也较有魅力!但容易虚荣和骄傲!需要清醒!   狮子座的星座符号是黄道十二宫中最简单辨认的了。就是一条狮子尾巴,狮子座掌管着运动,休闲等各项娱4732乐项目!由于是万兽之王、狮子座代表着人类不断的尝试表达自己!并且发掘自己潜在本质的能力!因此狮子星座会表现出一种慷慨!高贵的气质、   处女座   处女座符号象征着健康!   符号能量:分析!处女座总是追求完美,要懂得分析不容得有瑕疵,   处女座的星座符号可能是十二个星座符号中最难懂的。它与天蝎座符号十分相似!差别只是处女座符号上加上一个倒“v”。占星家认为!处女1830座的符号、就像是一位手持一串谷物的处女、而他们手中的每一粒谷物。都象征着由经验的田野中所收获的智慧果实(属于传授者、适合当需要有耐心的职业!如:新闻记者, 医护人员,股票买卖!讲师,作家。文学家!公务员。艺术家,评论家。分析家!调查员)   处女座代表着健康。它掌管药剂学,同时也是统计学和劳动力的代表、   天秤座   天秤座符号象征着平衡!   6317符号能量:衡量、公平是天秤座的优点,但要知道每个人心中的公平都不一样,没有标准!   天秤座的星座符号可以说是一令人一目了然!一看就知道是一把四平八稳的秤。要求的就是如何取得两方平衡的天秤?在黄道十二宫中、天秤代表着公平和正义!掌管着一个国家的法律还有外交的问题!因此天秤座是绝对要求平衡的星座!在平衡中必需要公正,天秤座同时也具9761有谦和有礼的特性。   天蝎座   天蝎座符号象征着神秘!   符号能量:思考、天蝎座孤傲!冷漠。因此思考能力较强、   天蝎座的星座符号看起来就像是一只翘着尾巴的毒蝎子。但对于许多西方占星家的眼中。天蝎座的符号其实是“蛇”。因为蛇在上古时代即被视做“智慧”和“罪恶”的象征、众所皆知的的是。......余下全文>>!
  (以下译名根据大陆放映版本音译确定) 爆丸(バク丸,Bakumaru)鼠精灵。本作主角!实际是守护神的核心、勇敢,正义!时常犯中二!但粗中有细、装备:光剑,照妖镜本领:格斗术!爆裂疾风剑!用徽章召唤麒麟号CV:坂本千夏徽章位2325置:左手手背 角色歌:ダッシュ·ダッシュ·ダッシュ! 豪尔斯(又译伯鲁斯。ホルス!Horusu)牛精灵,个性憨厚,沉默寡言。有口癖ウッシ(ushi。日语“牛”)、本领:战斗时注视红色、自我暗示成一头巨牛。力气很大,人形时也可用手做”牛蹄重击“CV:森川智之徽章位置:胸前角色歌:魔性の赤名字来自荷兰乳牛“荷斯坦牛”(Holstein)日语ホルスタイン的前三个假名 卡奥(ガオウ!Gaou)虎精灵、高达威猛。温柔多情、非常注重自己的任务以及和同伴的友情、是肖克拉的男友?装备:虎镜本领:戴上虎镜后变身老虎、格斗术CV:星野充昭徽章位置:左臂角色歌:ああ、大トラ无情名字来自日语形容老虎叫的拟声词 库莉姆(クリーム,kuriimu)兔精灵、活泼可爱。有些傲娇!听觉非常灵敏,喜欢爆丸。装备:萝卜棒本领:魔法换装CV:冰上恭子徽章位置:左胸角色歌:モノローグロマンス名字来自英语cream(奶油) 多拉(又译斗拉贡,ドラゴ,Dorago)龙精灵!修行者、不住在梦原。不轻易发表言论但很有思想!力量很强!印度装束!念咒时说的是中文、装备:龙珠本领:用龙珠变成西方巨龙、腾云驾雾、召唤雷电、喷火。飞行,格斗术CV:山野井仁徽章位置:胸前角色歌2823:イー·アル·サン·ドラゴ名字来自英语“龙“(dragon)日语ドラゴン的前三个假名 罗里(又译诺洛利!ニョロリ,Nyorori)蛇精灵,没有四肢。但悬空的手套可以像正常的手一样使用,话唠!有些神经。经常做出一些让人意想不到的事。足智多谋、聪明认真、是守护神中的军师。有口癖ニョロリ(nyorori。也就是他的名字)、本领:分析、操作仪器CV:纳谷六朗徽章位置:脖子角色歌:ヘビーなヘビ,ヘイ·ベイビー名字来自日语形容蜿蜒崎岖!蛇爬过后样子的拟声词 帕兰(又译帕卡莱奇、パカラァチ。Pakaraachi)马精灵,热血好动!青春洋溢,干劲十足、常常大喊“青春啊,”。很注重友情。喜欢斯芙莱!武器:蹄铁飞镖本领:飞镖攻击!用飞镖格斗。腿功CV:长嶝高士徽章位6601置:左胸角色歌:セイシュンだ!名字中的前三个音节“帕卡拉”(パカラ)在日语里是象声词,表示马蹄声 斯芙莱(又译诗芙丽。斯芙丽,スフレ,Sufure)羊精灵。温柔善良。细心好学,为人谦和、充满少女情怀。有口癖ですわ(desuwa!大小姐常用)、装备:镜盒本领:查询敌情。探测金属CV:宫村优子徽章位置:胸前角色歌:ゆめのなかですの名字来自英语souffle(舒芙蕾,蛋奶酥) 毛姆(又译蒙酷!モンク、Monku)猴精灵,调皮好动!喜欢恶作剧捉弄人,常常因此而遭到惩罚、和波基郎是欢喜冤家。装备:变声器本领:格斗术,尤其是猴拳!改变声音应对现况CV:龟井芳子徽章位置:左胸角色歌:モンクが一番?名字来自英语monkey(猴子) 达特(又译塔露朵?タルト!Taruto)鸡精灵、有鸡、人两种形态、性格粗暴,喜欢打人!但对弱者很温柔、家务万能。在人类形态时格斗技巧了得,守护神中唯一有战斗力的女性,喜欢卡奥!装备:电子鸡(用其使自己变成人形),本领:格斗术、尤其是腿功CV:川村万梨阿徽章位置:腰部角色歌:あたいはタルト名字来自英语tart(蛋挞) 波基郎(又译波奇拉。ポチ郎,Pochiro)狗精灵。典型的日本武士、充满侠义之心、恭谨严肃、和......余下全文>>、
狮子用英文介绍加中文翻译 五年级水平
  Lion make me afraid .   It is a the biggest fo forest animals.   It is yellow and gold that was very beautiful!   What a beautiful animals!   狮子让我害怕,它是森林动物中最大的一个!它是黄色和金色的、是非常美丽的,多么美丽的动物,。


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