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花店 英文怎么说 花店 英文怎么说
  花店   florist      花店[huā diàn]   词典   florist's shop;  flower shop   网络   florists;  Fleuriste;  flowers、
年份按十二生肖命名 用英文怎么说
  Rat charm, 子鼠   Ox patient, 丑牛   Tiger sensitive, 寅虎   Rabbit articulate, 卯兔   Dragon healthy, 辰龙   Snake deep, 巳蛇   Horse popular, 午马   Goat elegant, 未羊   Monkey clever, 申猴   Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡   Dog loyalty, 戌狗   Pig chivalrous. 亥猪?
  你好,很高兴为你解答这就是你的命运That's your destiny!This is your fate.重点词汇就是quite right; exactly; even if; even; namely命运fate; destiny; fortune; kisme双语例句以下例句来源于网络!仅供参考这儿有灯。但没有一丝火焰&这就是你的命运、我的心啊、There is the lamp but never a flicker of a flame,& is such thy fate, my heart!希望对你有帮助,
十二生肖 的英文
  十二生肖   12 Chinese Zodiac Signs 或   12 symbolic animals     十二生肖的英文表达     Rat charm, 子鼠     Ox patient, 丑牛     Tiger sensitive, 寅虎     Rabbit articulate, 卯兔     Dragon healthy, 辰龙     Snake deep, 巳蛇     Horse popular, 午马     Goat elegant, 未羊     Monkey clever, 申猴     Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡     Dog loyalty, 戌狗     Pig chivalrous. 亥猪!
The Rabbit Year come! 。。
  松鼠 squirrel ['skwɪr(ə)l]   老鼠 mouse mice rat   熊猫 panda bear cat,
  TAROT   读音就是 塔罗   完全的音译词!
我曾是个好男孩 用英文怎么说
  我曾是个好男孩   I was a good boy.,
放下屠刀立地成佛 英文怎么说
  原词:字译——意译   放下屠刀立地成佛:drop one's cleaver and become a Buddha —— achieve salvation as soon as one gives up evil   平日不烧香。临时抱佛脚:never burn incense when all is well but clasp buddha's feet when in distress —— do nothing until last minute   人争一口气!佛争一炉香:As Buddha nees incense, so man needs self-respect.(不需意译)   一人得道!鸡犬升天:when a man attains the Tao, even his pets ascend to heaven —— when a man gets to the top, allhis friends and relations get there with him   八仙过海!各显神通:like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one showing his or her special prowess.(不需意译),
鸡年英文怎么说 china daily
  鸡年英文怎么说 china daily   英文是Chinese year of rooster   rooster意思是公鸡   比较合适。


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