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  Emotion 香樟 温唇°sunshine 深呼吸 Deep breaths Sadness 无心的人 伪情 PsEuDO-   流年碎 jonathan 执着 Paranoid 念旧 cunese Eason Chan 浮夸. 抑心 crofy   忘了爱° Toro 腐朽 Eros1on 半透明 no col 失夜 Sak1tama 惹人爱 Triste Nostalgia 留恋 Chafferer 迷心 Eternally 永恒 Lost love / 失爱 Curtain,落幕   A monologue. 独白。 Review 旧爱 淡颜 DITOP 相守 Print li   望采纳!!
  招财进宝:   1.Money and treasures will be plentiful.   2.May wealth and riches be drawn your way.!
  英语:   Congratulations you have prize.   You are awarded a boyfriend!!
  卡赞 -KHAZAN- 凯贾 -KEIGA- 普戾蒙 -BREMEN- 萨亚 -SAYA- 罗刹 -RHASA- 卡洛 -KALLA- 布拉修 -BLACHE- 以上是七鬼神另外还有资料说第八鬼神和第九鬼神8:吉格 -ZIEG-9:约翰 -JOHN-【萨亚的相好,就是因为他萨亚才变冰之鬼神的~】 希望采纳!
非主流英语男生网名『带翻译』 5分
  下面的网名可以加一些特殊符号    花样年华。如此灿烂:In the mood for love, so brilliant   蘇格拉没有底:Su ge pulled no bottom   冷血:Coldblooded   断然岁月的伤痕:Flatly years scars   流年似水:Years have passed   忘记曾经:Forget once   轻叹花开花落的流年:Light sigh blossom of the time   那些年的回忆:Those years 罚f memories。
  Classmate同学   easygoing energetic 随和的、充满活力的   laughing playing talking 聊天 大笑 玩耍   friend and partner too我的朋友和伙伴   Mine!
  我最喜欢的宠物   I most love pets too   我家养着一只调皮可爱又能干的小猫咪。它叫“白雪”,之所以给它起名白雪是因为它全身都是乳白色的!唯独它那条水晶般蓝色的小尾巴、而且它还有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛、跟我一样!它的眼睛白天和晚上大不相同:白天是竖着的,眼睛眯成一条缝。而晚上两只眼睛睁得圆圆!发出幽幽旅馆。显得十分神秘?   I keep a lovely and smart cat, it is called "snow". The reason to give it the name snow because its body is white, but its crystal blue tail. But it also has a pair of big eyes one's eyes brimming with radiating vigour, like me. Its eyes are not the same: night and day day up, eyes narrowed into slits. And in the evening the two eyes wide open, emit a faint Hotel, is very mysterious.   中午,我4580准备把一块美味的红烧鱼给它!刚把鱼放下。它就飞跑过来津津有味地吃了起来、眨眼间那7501鱼就只剩下鱼骨头了!   At noon, I was ready to put a piece of delicious braised fish in soy sauce to it, just put the fish down. It galloped over eat with appetite to eat up. Blink of an eye the fish only fish bone.   傍晚、我端着一杯热牛奶去找白雪、突然白雪从前方冲来!一下子把3492牛奶打翻溅了我一身,我十分生气地对白雪说:“白雪、看你干的好事。”白雪6398一见知道自己闯祸了。连忙把头钻5698进身体里!然后喵喵叫了几声好像在说:“对不起主人!”看到它这样我真是又气又乐、哎,真拿它没办法。   In the evening, I drink a cup of Hot Milk to snow, snow in front suddenly rushed up, all of a sudden the milk spilled my body. I am very angry and said: "snow white, look what you've done!" Snow White saw themselves into trouble, quickly head body. Then she called several voice seemed to say: "I'm sorry master!" I was both angry and happy to see it. Hey, I really have nothing to do with it!   这就是我家的小猫、我爱的猫咪,   This is my little cat, I love cats.。
生活总是那么捉弄人 这句话用英语怎么翻译
  We are always screwed by our destiny .   Fate always like playing tricks on man.   也可考虑以下说法:     Fate's Cruel Joke/Destiny's Cruel Joke.命运3839弄人   deceived by destiny (被命运欺骗)   torn apart by cruel destiny (被残酷的命运撕裂)   slain by treacherous fate.(被叵测的命运斩断)(slain是slay的过去分词)、
8052  don't count on experience.....   anything can happen..   who knows..。


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