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  这一天。除了黄历允许的事情以外的任何事情、都不应该在这天进行!   余事勿取就是其他的事情都不要做!危厉程度仅次于诸事不宜?。
  【词目】馀事勿取   【发音】yú shì wù qǔ   【释义】馀。同“余”,在黄历中有“宜”与“忌”这天!除了黄历允许(比如宜求医!治病、破屋……)以外的任何事情、都不应该做,可译为现代汉语的:“除此以外,其余的都不可以干、不可以做”,   余事勿取就是其他的事情都不要做!危厉程度仅次于诸事不宜,   “平治道涂、余事勿取”   风水术语、平治道涂,即修平道路、涂与途的解释相通! 余事勿取,其他的事不要做, 整个意思是,在这个日子里、只能做修平道路的事?其他的事不要去做!否则就要犯禁忌,就不顺当!   【出处锭黄道曰:宜馀事勿取,忌探病、馀事勿取、。
  【词目】馀事勿取【发音】yú shì wù qǔ【释义】馀、同“余”。在黄历中有“宜1636”与“忌”这天,除了黄历允许(比如宜求医!治病、破屋……)以外的任何事情!都不应该做、可译为现代汉语的:“除此以外?其余的都不可以干!不可以做”!余事勿取就是其他的事情都不要做,危厉程度仅次于诸事不宜!“平治道涂,余事勿取”风水术语、平治道涂、即修平道路,涂与途的解释相通! 余事勿取,其他的事不要做, 整个意思是!在这个日子里、只能做修平道路的事、其他的事不要去做。否则就要犯禁忌、就不顺当。 【出处】黄道曰:宜馀事勿取,忌探病。馀事勿取。     其他的事不4584要去做、否则就要犯禁忌?就不顺当,、
黄历中,显示 宜:祭祀,作灶,入殓,除服,余事勿取, 这个余事勿取 在“宜”这一列中是指什么都可以做么?
这句话意思是“除清扫宅舍、2403解除灾厄等事。其6043他事情都不要做”。跟吉凶没有直接关系。 汉代阴阳家称禳除凶恶为解除、后来迷信的人9880也沿用此名? 王充《论衡·解除》:“世信祭祀、谓祭祀必有福!又然解除,谓解除必去凶。”所以这里解除的意思是解除灾厄!清扫宅舍、“馀事勿取6220”原是“ 馀事勿取”。馀是其馀!其他的意思,而在黄历上经常有“宜馀事勿取”这类术语!其意思就是除了黄历上允许的事情、其他的事都是不宜且可能致使灾祸的事,、 。!
高分 短文翻译(专业性强)非高手勿接
  我帮你手译啦、!。很辛苦的啦,。   The Kite Museum of Beihai City   ---brief introduction of the Chinese Zodiac   The Chinese Zodiac as a part of the Chinese traditional culture was a way of counting the years. It was said that in ancient times,people always had problems for counting their age because of their bad memory.For solving it,the Jade Emperor came up with a simple idea that there would be twelf animals chosen for representing twelf years.If people could remember the circulation of the twelf, they would be able to easily work out their own age without mistakes.For the sake of the qualification,all the animals rushed to the Palace as fast as possible.Then, there were twelf animals chosen according to the ranking of arrival:mouse(Zi),ox(Chou),tiger(Yin),rabbit(Mao),dragon(Chen),snake(Si),horse(Wu),goat(Wei),monkey(Shen),cock(You),dog(Shu),pig(Hai).They were called the Chinese Zodiac later.   The Kite Museum of Beihai City is dedicated to protecting and developping the kite which plays an important role in the Chinese trditional culture.And now it release a wonderful gift box of the kites with the Chinese Zodiac specially for linking up with the Chinese traditional culture to demonstrate the long history of the Chinese culture.This product with distinctive national characteristics is popular with Chinese and foreign visitors.It is a cultural product that is worth collecting and appreciating and enjoying.   The Shayan Kite   There are varieties of kites in China,the cradle of kite.And the Shayan Kite, which has a long history about 3000 years,is a representant of the north style.Its exquisite   skeleton and complete coulour painting make it high valuable for aapreciating and famous around the world.The structure of skeleton and the art of painting were linked up with each other excellently so that it is a perfect combination of technique and art.The style "Shayan with hard wings" is designed with the artistic exaggeration after the pattern of the real swallow.So it has very pekingese characteristics.   The gift box of the Shayan Kite designed and produced by the Kite Museum of Beihai City is very traditional and beautiful,so that it is popular with the Chinese and foreign visitors.There is no doubt that it is a cultural product that is worth collecting and appreciating and enjoying.   我补充了“带有浓厚的京式特点”翻译的是“So it has very pekingese characteristics.   ”,
【词目】馀事勿取 【发音】yú shì wù qǔ 【释义】馀、同“馀”、在黄历中有“宜”与“忌”这天。除了黄历允许(比如宜求医,治病、破9033屋……)以外的任何事情,都不应该做,可译为现代汉语的:“除此以外!其馀的都不可以干!不可以做”、 馀事勿取就是其他的事情都不要做!危厉程度仅次于诸事不宜、 “平治道涂。馀事勿取” 风水术语,平治道涂、即修平道路!涂与途的解释相通, 馀事勿取。其他的事不要做! 整个意思是,在这9882个日子里,只能做修平道路的事!其他的事不要去做!否则就要犯禁忌、就不顺当、 【出处锭黄道曰:宜馀事勿取,忌探病!馀事勿取, ,
这是老皇历上的话!意思是:在那一天除了上边提到的这2002些事情意外、不适合做其他的事情,上面提到的事情是可以做的, 其实这也看你怎么看了?可信可不信 。
  最爱装坚强的女生 第一名 射手座(说了也没用) 第二名 天蝎座(一定要撑过去) 第三名 魔羯座(觉得哭很丢脸) 第四名 狮子座(倔强又逞强)!


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