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  沦陷 QYY (可以改迩们自己名字的大写)   沉迷 XLL (可以改迩们自己名字的大写) 迩 俄m1ng 而已。   俄 迩m1ng 而已! Ъаьуˇ専属偶   Ъаьуˇ専属伱 情是What〃 爱是What〃 Soul .吥弃。   Soul .吥离, Love(山山)! (可以改迩们自己名字)   Love(小喃)、(可以改迩们自己名字)!
  Calm. 从容!Pretend. 假装、Weak. 懦弱。Argued. 争辩。Destiny. 宿命!Superstition. 迷信,In the heart. 心头、Or so. 左右!Excuses. 借口,Break up. 分手、Willing to give up. 舍得!Stay. 挽留!That person. 那个人、Curiosity. 好奇心,Let go 松手Liberation 解脱!Free and easy 洒脱Frustrated. 失落、Time. 时光。In a hurry. 0677匆匆Soon followed. 骤变。Lost. 迷失、Turn around. 转身!Not to feel at ease. 不安心?Be brave. 勇敢!When. 时过,Borders moved. 境迁,Looking forward to. 期待!To love. 去爱、Healing. 愈合!Memorial. 纪念。Scar. 疤痕。A monologue. 独白!Concerned. 牵挂!Love for a long time. 爱很久!Overlooked. 忽略了,You have changed. 你变了。Whispers. 情话。Chip. 筹码。The authorization. 删改!Blank. 空白,Very charming. 很迷人、Naked. 赤裸,Like a game. 像游戏!Not stingy. 不吝啬,Shouldn't. 不该,The reason. 理由,Redundant. 多余!Reluctantly. 勉强、Force back. 逼退、Muhammad number. 默数,Start. 出发、The wound. 伤口。Frustrated. 失落!Understanding. 了解!Care. 在意Crazy. 疯狂、The first time. 第一次!Sense of direction. 方向感,Lonely. 寂寞、Imagine. 想象中!Very cold. 很冷漠Turned. 转过头。Distant. 遥远!Want to love. 想爱,Small whispers. 小情话、You are my eyes 你是我的眼Just found. 才发现,Accustomed to. 习惯了。A loser. 输不起Don't care. 不在乎、A dream. 一个梦,Didn't forget. 没忘记、Eye socket. 眼眶,Beauty pupil. 美瞳、Waiting for you. 等你。。
  Lu Xun introduces   Chinese modern great writer, thinker and revolutionary. Old name Zhou Shuren, character Henan talent, Zhejiang Shaoxing person. Was born in 1881. In 1902 went to Japan to study abroad, the original study medicine, latter was engaged in the literary and artistic work, attempted with by to change the national spirit. In May, 1918, first time used "Lu Xun" the pen name, published in the Chinese modern literature the first vernacular novel "Diary of a Madman", has established the new-vernacular literature movement cornerstone. Around 54 movements, participates in "New youth" the magazine edition work, becomes "54" the New Culture Movement great standard-bearer. In 1930, Lu Xun participated in the China free motion big union successively, progress organization and so on the League of Left-Wing Writers' and Chinese civil rights safeguard. After at the beginning of 1936 "the Leftist Association" dismissed, responded the party the summons, positively participated in the literary world and the cultural circle against Japan nationality united front. On October 19, 1936 died of illness in Shanghai. In 1956, the party and the people's government migrated and has reconstructed the Lu Xun grave in Shanghai. Mao Zedong personally for Lu Xun grave inscription.     鲁迅先生介绍   中国近代伟大作家,思想家和革命家. 老字号周树人,字豫才,浙江绍兴人. 出生于1881年. 1902年赴日本留学,原学医 后者是从事文艺工作,企图用改变了民族精神. 今年五月, 1918年,首次用"鲁迅"的笔名, 刊登在中国现代文学首白话小说"狂人日记" ......余下全文>>、
找个带特殊符号的网名帅气点的?拜讬了各位 谢谢
╬═☆蔠结ルo /!↘ ┭终结_/◥◣蔠结◢◤ ぷ蔠结ぷ —━╋う蔠结╰☆╮ じ☆ve蔠结灬 そ蔠结ひ 蔠结√! ;~↘ ℡﹏终结ゞ;\蔠结/.ɑ.◇终结ノ ♀终结♂ ヤo终结oοΟ ┕终结┑ →终结 げ终结ざ ≮终结≯ oО终结oo ┾终结┡ē ゞ终结… ご终结ご 兲终结丄 oo0终结oО﹎ 终结シ ︶ㄣ,终结ベΔ o﹎终结┌↘ ╭ァ终结ヤ StǒΡ╭ァ终结ル κiζsヤ终结シ ▃终结ぺ ヤ终结_)á. ヤ﹎终结Уǔ LOVEの终结灬 ︶ㄣ.ァ终结︶ㄣ ╲_/终结╰  ̄︶︺终结つ ぺ灬终结ル ◢▂蔠结▂◣ ︶ㄣ蔠结しovё *﹏蔠结〆… ╭Д灬蔠结;█\█\ 、
  首先,把输入法设置到智能ABC然后,随便打个英文字母,加三个引号(就是Enter左边的那个键),然后再连续按2下EnterF (就是张的情况下,按2次Enter. 注意是智能ABC状态,不需要切换大小写)然后按了2次Enter后,就有一些符号偏旁出来了,往下按,就有好几个空格,哪个都能用,。
  昵称:姐就是那么酷i 签名:男生别看女生弱,男生是个纯爷们,女生是个纯哥们?   昵称:狂风中的酷姐(“酷姐”可以换成“女兵”,“姐”等!反正喜欢就好!) 签名:男生生于肚子。女生生于狂风、   昵称:任性的暴雨 签名:我任性咋滴、不服啊!不服就过来!把你淋成落汤鸡, (我认为这个不好,这个“任性的暴雨9139”的签名不好,)   求个采纳~,、
  —━☆! ∑═爱═→ !坏ヤρì,)☆╰xx╯♂、╰→、順便給你幾個我喜歡的網名ヤ;搁[浅灬メ 。〃莣忧草ぐ 。 永恒ぃ☆心 訫ゞの恋£Y 鈨帅ばぁが &縌埘针 。望採納! 。!


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