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  噢 顺便说一下。目前我在学的ABC天卞口语的教师才和我提过 如果要学好英语是很容易的~必须要有一个适合的学习空间以及闇练口语对象 外教水平很重要,东南亚口音重 一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正才可以。不间断经常口语练习 1 on 1针对性教学才能够有很.好.的学习成效..课后需要重听课后录音反馈 把所学知识融会贯通、如果真的没人帮忙 就到旺旺或BBC获得课外学习资料学习、多问多听一下6464子语境就加强起来、学习成长肯5764定会最佳的,Xiao Ling and Lanlan are on their way to the dormitory. Xiao Ling drops a book and Yani and Songtao who happen to be right bend them, pick up the book and give it back to them. Y: Excuse me, is ts your book? X: Thank you so much. Y: You are welcome. Are you new admits? X : yes. We just came to register yesterday. My name is Xiao ling. Nice to meet you. Ts is my best gh school friend Lanlan. Y: My name is Yani. Nice to meet you, too. Ts is my friend since cldhood, Songtao. S: ! We both came from xxx. L: really? I am from that , too. We are all town fellows aren’t we?. It’s such a small world. S: absolutely. We both major in computer science. What’s your major? X: accounting. I don’t really like it. But my parents said ts school offers excellent accounting programs and it will be easier for me to get a job later on. L: My major is education. I want to be a teacher. I tnk it is cool. S: I picked my own major because I what I want. I just like computers a lot. I would like to be a computer programmer in the future. Y: Well, I don’t wether I really like it or not. I just follow Songtao where he goes. X: I feel bad for those students who make it to the top but had to suit school because of financial problems. S: My parents paid some of my tution and I said to myself that I want to be a somebody. But no matter how much I do, I will never be able to repay my parents for what they have done for me. L: I tnk I will find some off campus jobs in summer. I don’t want to be a burden to my family . My parents have been working hard all their lives. X: Lanlan, you are great. S: look. The boys are playing basketball now. I will join them. See you ! X: let’s keep in touch, ok? L: I don’t have a cell phone. Can I send you e-mails? Y: Sure. Here is my cell phone number. 1 And ts is my e-mail address. Please write to me. L: I will. X: ts is mine.:.I am so glad to meet you. Take care! Y and S: bye!,
Shura 修罗 Devil !Satan。Belial 都是恶魔的意思 havoc。ruin。perish 都是毁灭的意思 Rebel 叛逆 Reborn 不知道为什么突然想起了家教里的= = Lazy 慵懒 Spike 秒杀 King 国王 Knight 骑士 sheer,stark 绝对 carass 轻抚菊花= =【这是咱中国人自造的【5454 Harsh 苛刻 Calm 淡定 Baidu 百度 【超霸气 Google 谷歌 【同上 Dragon 龙 Altman 奥特曼 Woolen 毛线 FUCK 不解释 Ignore 无视 Exceed 超越 Magic 魔术 暂时这么多吧~~~有什么想要的追问我吧~~~^3^ ~~可以帮你再设计英文字母~~~ !
  Emotion 香樟 温唇°sunshine 深呼吸 Deep breaths Sadness 无心的人 伪情 PsEuDO-   流年碎 jonathan 执着 Paranoid 念旧 cunese Eason Chan 浮夸. 抑心 crofy   忘了爱° Toro 腐朽 Eros1on 半透明 no col 失夜 Sak1tama 惹人爱 Triste Nostalgia 留恋 Chafferer 迷心 Eternally 永恒 Lost love / 失爱 Curtain、落幕   A monologue. 独白。 Review 旧爱 淡颜 DITOP 相守 Print li   望采纳!。
  若兮!ゝ 瑾兮!ゝ 眸兮,ゝ 凡兮。ゝ 辰兮!ゝ .魍兮!ゝ (魑魅魍魉,随便哪个)好不容易溜回家,我已经尽力了,
  ◆◇▁演绎、素笔挥洒.℡  1182 ◆◇▁演绎,都市繁华.℡   ◆◇▁演绎、白色舞步.℡   ◆◇▁演绎!浪漫樱花.℡   ◆◇▁演绎。陌路离伤.℡   度过的分分秒秒 っ   逃锭的千千万万 っ   永存的大大咧咧 っ   逝去的点点滴滴 っ   不变的简简单单 っ   格调只是代表一种意境丶 悲伤只是代表一种心情丶 爱慕只是代表一种欣赏丶 习惯只是代表一种依赖丶 低调只是代表一种风格丶   怀念。旧时0593光つ羁怀?旧时光つ铭记!旧时光つ回忆!旧时光つ释怀?旧时光つ!
带 成 字的网名,而且有英语
无伤不成恋 眼泪成冰 无君梦不成 冷泪成冰 寒水宬冰??陌路情成殇 ミ暧日未成伤 红蓝成紫 如过藕成回忆☆ 目艮泪成言寺 !
  暖 ら Warm 情劫  Sadness5560■ 搁浅♥ stranded 逃离!Escape   ╭ 流言?Gossip 光着脚丫°Barefoot 流年碎 jonathan 毒光 Strong   暖心 Blacklnt■ 离心.  °DIEOUT °empress 征服你 踏 青凸こ怀魂 Layoomiety ゛法式夕阳 Romantic 轮回劫 Noslepums 浅时光 BonnenuIt   旧情歌 trister 淡定 Composure ゛暗里着迷 Dreamland .完结 End1n9 ▎ 小矜持!reserved别挽留▎ Letitgo StrAng3 终陌, Car3 AbouT 在乎   失控▍Insane 蛊 独❀ Xerxes Goddard 不理不睬 小情兽 Weirdo′望采纳、、
  温蒂,凯特   Wendy,Kitty!


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