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  spiderman 蜘蛛人,
  Lack of a ╮ missish   ゛ poison ☆ cuisines   ╰ 'Nv 〢 intensions   Vague pain   〆, funny vows   ㄖ skarn ╰ margin   The tears of Venice   Destiny, so far   One night ╰ '   So perfect   At night, and   The messy, you   Beauty more リ jiao   Waiting,   All, light   , style,   _ lost sleep   Play move finger.   End, I want to n1   Unable to communicate   Night, alone   That feeling, and death,
  Fresh flavor in fashion .时尚新品味?
  Smoke filled ゞ away.(烟消ゞ云散)     -╬ sculpture-time(→╬雕刻→时光)     Have you forgotten all the pieces(淡忘有你的一切丶)     ゞ spirit ○ o.o(ゞ魅o.o○)     From now on I for a(从此我为句号)     'old ゝ have emerged(′岁忆ゝ浮现)     ° dye never-failing threads-╮(° 染不尽的余温 - ╮)     "Cherry blossoms road(〃 樱花路)     Please call me shadow we(请叫我影子≈)     The spread of missing pieces silent suffocation(思念蔓延丶无声窒息)     The lights imitate, fall for stars(灯火模仿、坠落的星光∮)     "Happiness", skating on thin i处e. ‖(「幸福」。如履薄冰。‖)     就这些吧、希望楼主可以稀饭。。
  Bring good luck.?
  你好     Ly_Pearl杭   Ly_Echo杭   Ly_Exceed杭   Ly_hypocrisy杭   Ly_Feodor杭     这些只是个人喜欢的     LZ也可以自己喜欢什么词填在里面   这样更有深意     希望可以帮到你!
  A௸❀ྀོ༵松ྉ࿐ 这个好看,哈哈、
  1,An丶Ice   2,Axt丶shadow    3,Apple丶ghost   4。Ayo丶Summer可以把上面的随意组合~!
  1,   To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.   对于世界而言!你是一个人!但是8675对于某个人、你是他的整个世界!   2! No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.   没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣、   3。 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.   纵然伤心!也不7555要愁眉不展。因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容、   4。 We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery; the deepest wound was the most real emotions.   我们在错误的时间相遇?在正确的时间却又分开。 走的最急的是最美的景色。伤的最深的是最真的感情,   5, Time would heal almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while.   时间几乎会愈合所有伤口、如果你的伤口还没有愈合、请给时间一点时间,   6, There's a difference between "love" and "like". If you like a flower you will pick it, but if you   love a flower, you will water it every day.   爱与喜欢是有区别的。如果你喜欢一朵花!你会摘下它、但你要是爱它?你会每天灌溉它、 7。No need to have a reason to love you. Anything can be a reason not to love you   .喜欢你!不需要理由。不喜欢你,什么都可以成为理由,   8! Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy.   生活有时是令人沮丧的,但你可以努力让自己的过得开心。   9。 Never think hard about past. It brings tears… Don’t think more about future.Itbringsfears… Live this moment with a smile. It brings cheers.   不要太想念过去!因它会给你带来悲伤、3329不要太思考未来!因它会1531带给你恐惧、用微笑活在当下,它会带来喜乐!   10。 No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting.   不管雨下多久。最终彩虹总会出现。不管你8255有多难过,始终要相信、......余下全文>>,
  Curtain (英文网名注释:落幕)     Allure Love (英文网名注释:倾城恋)     Mo Maek (英文名翻译成中文:莫陌)     Tenderness (网名翻译:温弧)     Flowers (英文网名注释:繁花)     Poison丶biting (非主流英文网名翻译中文:毒丶刺骨 )     Desperate struggle (伤感英文名字:拼命的挣扎)     Koreyoshi (意境英文网名:惟美)     Adam阿当*Eve夏娃(阿当-夏娃)   Adolph阿当夫*Adolpha阿当芙亚(伟大的野狼)   Alan阿伦*Alana阿伦娜(快乐的调和者-闪亮的公平者)   Alexander阿力山大*Alexandra阿力山娜(同为超人的意思)   Ashley阿瑟妮*Ashley阿瑟妮(居住在梣木地人的人爱大自然)   Azarias阿沙勒斯*Azaria阿沙妮亚(得到上帝的祝福和帮助)     B     Baslilon巴沙里奥*Basilia马沙妮亚(国皇-皇后)   Beverley拜佛力*Beverley拜佛力(海星般矜贵)   Bing兵*Binga冰加(铁壸能成空洞发声音!多嘴的人)   Blake碧*Blake碧(有正义气质)   Brand宾*Brandy宾妮(上帝的孙儿如酒般清醇)   Brian拜仁*Bryna拜女那(品德高尚)     C   Clare基亚*Clara加拉(有艳光的)   Carol嘉卢*Carol嘉露(权力者,永不言败)   Castor嘉斯祖*Casta嘉斯泰(勇敢而勤力)   Cecil西斯*Cecilla西西莉亚(隐身不见的音乐圣者)   Chritian杰逊*Christine基丝艼(信主的)   Clive基夫*Cleva基花(悬崖居住者)     D   Dale德尔*dale黛尔(居住村庄的纯朴者)   Daniel丹妮*Danielle丹妮尔(上帝是审裁者).   Darcy德斯*Darcie戴斯(由森林而来)   Darius戴维斯*Daria戴维亚(有钱人)   Donald当奴*Donalda当奴达(世界的统治者)   Dominic都文历*Dominica多文历卡(属于主的)!


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