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五行诗关于爱情的 英语
  LoveSweet,warmStairing,smiling, huggingBring care and joy Forever,
有关狗的五行诗 (英语的)
  Dog   Honest,lovely   Barking,shouting,Crying   Friend and servant   Yours   亲:高老师祝你学习进步、每天都开心V_V、   望采纳!thanks(thx)!、
  杨 五行属性:木   诗 五行属性:金   淇 五行属性:水   适合缺水的人、
  名字总分(仅供参考):82   ----------------------基本信息--------------------------------   姓名:诗佳   姓名(繁体):诗佳   农历日期:0年0月0日   属相:   四柱:年 月 日 时   八字:   五行:   纳音:   喜用神:金木水火土   五格:天格(14) 人格(21) 地格(9) 外格(2) 总格(22)   三才:天才(14)→人才(11)→地才(9)   ----------------------五格释义--------------------------------   天格:乃祖先留下来的、其数理对人影响不大,   第14数理(凶)    基业:暗禄、美貌。艺术。流浪,红艳!劫财   家庭:骨肉疏远。离祖迁居,自家兄弟全无份!外处交友却有缘、   健康:皮肤病、感冒,风邪、先天五行相合者则健康!此数之男女均属好貌   含义浮沉不定。多破兆!家属缘薄,六亲无靠,骨肉分离,丧亲亡子。孤独、不如意!烦闷,危难、遭厄,灾祸迭至、为人慷慨,施恩招怨!劳而无功!辛苦凄惨!若其他运数配合不宜者。有伤天寿!然此7385数之人颖悟非凡!若“三才”配置善良者也会有极少数的怪杰、伟人成就大业,   人格:又称主运、是整个姓名的中心点,人一生的命运!均由此人格推断!   地格:由名字全部笔画数构成。称为前运。主管人中年以前的活动力、   第9数理(凶)   基业:官禄、图印,太极,怪杰。富翁。突破,   家庭:亲情不睦,道长说短者多!力持贤明尚平安、    健康:女性成风流或与丈夫离别!体弱,男女皆晚婚。行事多积德!可免短命!   含义浮沉不定之象,利去功空!陷落穷迫、逆运。短命。怪澹。悲痛。或者幼小离亲而困苦,或者病弱,不遇、遭难。废疾!贫困,灾难。孤独。甚而刑罚!有不测之凶厄,主运有此数者则为大凶、即或一身得免灾害、也难免丧失配偶或有缺子之叹、实为人生最大恶运!6212但有例外的怪杰?学者。伟人   总格:主中年至晚年的命运!又称后运、   第22数理(凶)   基业:远洋。天乙,君臣,将星!劫煞!破财   家庭:六亲无力、自立成家   健康:常有暗疾、难医或短命。   含义秋草逢霜之象。脆弱无力、骨肉离散。孤独生涯、百事不如意、徒劳无功。懦弱病弱。挫折困难,孤寂乏力,逆境不平,为此数者人生的写照,但也有伟人。豪杰出此数者,不过其人生多波折!   外格:主管命运之灵力,   第2数理(凶)   基业:劫财!破灭、灾危!破家!红艳,变迁、美貌,   家庭:亲情疏远。夫妻应相互理解!则免别离之苦,   健康:凶变!病弱!短命也有之。易患皮肤病。外伤。夭折、   含义混沌未定之象、为最大凶恶1733的暗示,意志不坚,无独立之气力!进退失自由。内外生波澜,困苦不安。摇动。病患,遭难、甚至残废!若伴有其他好数者可免致短命夭折。其人辛苦一生。志望难达。破灭无常,   ----------------------星6426座解释--------------------------------   0月0日!
命中五行缺火 用英语怎么说。。。
  Lack of fire of five elements in life.、
哪本书上有 【五行纳音生克制化诗??
  用复合从句   积累一些词汇、在学一些语法!一定8402要攻克词汇和短语?要熟练!   学一些你比较感兴趣的英语知识!上课认真听讲!下课及时做笔记!   养成背单词的好习惯。经常复习以前学过的知识、
高中英语,列举英语诗歌体裁。教材里有(童谣,清单诗,五行诗,日本的俳句,翻译成英语的唐诗) 列举除
  pantoum、   Iva’s Pantoum   Marilyn Hacker, 1942   We pace each other for a long time.   I packed my anger with the beef jerky.   You are the baby on the mountain. I am   in a cold stream where I led you.   I packed my anger with the beef jerky.   You are the woman sticking her tongue out   in a cold stream where I led you.   You are the woman with spring water palms.   You are the woman sticking her tongue out.   I am the woman who matches sounds.   You are the woman with spring water palms.   I am the woman who copies.   You are the woman who matches sounds.   You are the woman who makes up words.   You are the woman who copies   her cupped palm with her fist in clay.   I am the woman who makes up words.   You are the woman who shapes   a drinking bowl with her fist in clay.   I am the woman with rocks in her pockets.   I am the woman who shapes.   I was a baby who knew names.   You are the child with rocks in her pockets.   You are the girl in a plaid dress.   You are the woman who knows names.   You are the baby who could fly.   You are the girl in a plaid dress   upside-down on the monkey bars.   You are the baby who could fly   over the moon from a swinging perch   upside-down on the monkey bars.   You are the baby who eats meat.   Over the moon from a swinging perch   the feathery goblin calls her sister.   You are the baby who eats meat   the bitch wolf hunts and chews for you.   The feathery goblin calls her sister:   “You are braver than your mother.   The bitch wolf hunts and chews for you.   What are you whining about now?”   You are braver than your mother   and I am not a timid woman:   what are you whining about now?   My palms itch with slick anger,   and I’m not a timid woman.   You are the woman I can’t mention;   my palms itch with slick anger.   You are the heiress of scraped knees.   You are the woman I can’t mention   to a woman I want to love.   You are the heiress of scaped knees:   scrub them in mountain water.   To a woman, I want to love   women you could turn into,   scrub them in mountain water,   stroke their astonishing faces.   Women you could turn into   the scare mask of Bad Mother   stroke their astonishing faces   in the silver-scratched sink mirror.   The scare mask of Bad Mother   crumbles to chunked, pinched clay,   sinks in the silver-scratched mirror.   You are the Little Robber Girl, who   crumbles the clay chunks, pinches   her friend, givers her a sharp knife.   You are the Little Robber Girl, who   was any witch’s youngest daughter.   Our friend gives you a sharp knife,   shows how the useful blades open.   Was any witch’s youngest daughter   golden and bold as you? You run and   show how the useful blades open.   You are the baby on the mountain. I am   golden and bold as you. You run and   we pace each other for a long time.   还有 tanka,rondeau、ballad、 epistle、triolet,epigram!epic,ode、limerick。sonnet。sestina!等等!再给你一个sonnet的例子:   Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (Sonnet 18)   William Shakespeare, 1564 - 1616   Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?   Thou art more lovely and more temperate.   Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,   And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.   Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,   And often is his gold complexion dimmed;   And every fair from fair sometime declines,   By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed;   But thy eternal summer shall not fade,   Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,   Nor shall death brag thou wand’rest in his shade,   When in eternal lines to Time thou grow’st.   So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,   So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.、


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